And That, Too

December 28, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know how Rudy Giuliani keeps going around saying that Trump will testify to Mueller’s grand jury over his dead body and I keep saying “Hey Tootles, that right there is a plan I can get behind”?

Well, here’s another one.

Louie.  Louie Gohmert.

During an interview with Fox News on Friday, Gohmert — a dedicated hype-man for President Trump — said the President should consider keeping Washington shutdown “until hell freezes over.”

Here’s the deal, first Louie goes to hell with an ice scraper and sends us back a message when it thaws.

Works for me.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “And That, Too”

  1. One last time in 2018, I ask of one and all…

    Y’all know what I like about Louie? Not a ….

  2. …says Louie, who is still getting his government check.

  3. Until hell freezes over? If Louie is referring to the White House, current location of Hell as far as I can tell, please include Twitter buttons.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Not too late to make a New Year resolution, Louie. How about you give us all a treat and take a vow of silence?

  5. WA Skeptic says:

    When will the citizens of this country rise up and demand that the mafioso wannabe in our White House STFU and remove from our government? This is outrageous…

  6. In a party full of dickheads, Louie is the dickheadiest.

  7. Poor Louie. He just can’t get the acclaim and power he thinks should be rightfully his.

  8. Louie the Louse doesn’t care, he will still be paid and more chances for that TV side money.

  9. The depths of stupid have yet to be plumbed.

  10. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said that Congress should stop their pay until the government starts again. Louie has absolutely NO EMPATHY for those people going without paychecks – because he still has his. I absolutely hate his type. Any moron that votes for his like deserves the screwing they get – but the rest of us do not. If ONLY repug policies affected only repugs.

  11. Cause nothing says good governance like refusing to govern.
    Rep.-elect. Ocasio-Cortez has got the right idea. House members, Senators, and Presidents.
    Even though the Weaselheaded f**knuggett-in-chief probably doesn’t need the salary, the idea that his Orangeness could possibly be denied his sacred pay would make his head explode.
    Which would be a helluva lotsa fun to watch.

  12. Buttermilk Sky says:

    AO-C wasn’t sure how she’d get through December, and she’s still willing to go without a paycheck? How long before this woman is old enough to run for president?

  13. AO-C, it seems to me, would be a good replacement for Nancy when she retires. Only time will tell. It will be interesting to see who Nancy favors to take her place.
