And Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott Was Raised In A Cave. By Aliens.

June 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so I will admit to people from foreign states that Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is an overstuffed, ego-maniacal, heartless, hypocritical semi-literate toad frog.  And that’s the nice side of him.

Last week at the GOP convention, Abbott, who delusionally believes he is Presidential material but then again compared to other Texas politicians it is easy to believe “Hell, y’all,  I’m smarter than that guy,” made an almost coherent but still nonsensical statement about President Barack Obama which was picked up by Wayne Slater at the Dallas Morning News.

Abbott dismissed President Obama’s record on terrorism, saying the president issued “an order that any president would have given. It was the Navy Seals who took out Osama bin Laden.”

Oh, really?  Then why didn’t George Bush do it at Tora Bora?  You remember George Bush, don’t you?  The guy who landed on an aircraft carrier and broke his arm patting himself on the back for Mission Accomplishing the whole damn war with nobody’s help at all?  And then he purposefully (I’ll bet ya ten dollars cash American money) let bin Laden escape?

And how ’bout the fact that both John McCain and Mitt Romney said they would NOT do it?

Huh, Greg Abbott, huh?

What a damn toad.

Thanks to Tony for the toad report.

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0 Comments to “And Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott Was Raised In A Cave. By Aliens.”

  1. Two points for proper use of the word “toad frog.” Yes, my non-Texan friends. Despite the space, it is one word. At least, when I grew up, we rarely heard one without the other.

    But I think you’re being mighty hard on toad frogs in this comparison, I truly do.

  2. Suzy Allison says:

    Abbott obviously has no clue about the amount of planning, intelligence gathering, determination and follow-through it takes to set up an operation like this. And we’re listening to judgements about the action from him? He’s so puffed up with partisan gas it’s a wonder he doesn’t float away.

  3. VintageMomma says:

    I don’t think Aliens are gonna take any credit for the way he turned out…

  4. Didn’t Robert Gates say that the President’s decision was the guttiest (or some such word) that he had ever seen? Most of the others involved voted to bomb the bin Laden compound. No Republican would put his/her office on the line to do what the President did.

  5. Abbott actually “thinks” he is prez stuff?! And I have wings on my feet!! 😉

  6. TexasEllen says:

    Greg Abbott can be labelled a hop toad, a toad frog, or a puff adder. And Suzy is right, he has so much partisan gas he could be a float in the Macy’s parade if Macy’s had no interest in loveable characters.

  7. WhitesCreek says:

    Now, dear… It’s a matter of common courtesy for W to let his Bin Laden family friends slip away, out of kindness I suppose. Wouldn’t you do the same for the younger brother of the man who set you up in your first (failed) business venture and affectionately gave you the nick name, “Shrub”?

  8. Aha! Now I get what Repubs mean by “family values” and “compassionate conservatism”. Thanks for clearing this up for me, WhitesCreek.

  9. Freeportguy says:

    In 1980, who took the blame for the failed rescue mission of the hostages in Iran? Answer: Jimmy Carter.

    Had the Bin Laden operation team also failed, guys like Abbott would have been on front line to blame Obama, not the Seals.

    By the way, it is a decision that Obama made BEFORE the success, not after like all those coward GOPers. Successes indeed have a thousand fathers…

    Therefore, Obama can be credited for the killing of Bin Laden.

    Screw you Abbott!
