And Speaking of Wasted Days and Wasted Nights

November 02, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The very same guys who want to go back to the Founding Fathers, spent yesterday hammering  the motto of the United States of America made in 1782 of E Pluribus Unum.

They much preferred the “modern” motto of 1956 of In God We Trust.  And they felt the overwhelming need to “re-affirm” that as our motto because President Barack Obama once said that E Pluribus Unum is our national motto.  They thought it was African for “Kenya Will Win the Olympics.”  We missed a big opportunity – we should have told them it means No New Taxes.

Now if somebody would just explain to me how this created one new job or preserved social security or got our troops home safely or hired one teacher or accomplished anything except trying to embarrass the President – who made fools of you because he’s smarter than you are – I’ll shuddup about it.

Until then, I am going to bring this up every time they say they want to go back to the meanings of the Founding Fathers.

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