And Speaking of Gettin’ Your Story Straight ….

February 07, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican Congressman John Flemming of Louisidamnana read the following from the Onion ….

TOPEKA, KS—Planned Parenthood announced Tuesday the grand opening of its long-planned $8 billion Abortionplex, a sprawling abortion facility that will allow the organization to terminate unborn lives with an efficiency never before thought possible.

During a press conference, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards told reporters that the new state-of-the-art fetus-killing facility located in the nation’s heartland offers quick, easy, in-and-out abortions to all women, and represents a bold reinvention of the group’s long-standing mission and values.

“Although we’ve traditionally dedicated 97 percent of our resources to other important services such as contraception distribution, cancer screening, and STD testing, this new complex allows us to devote our full attention to what has always been our true passion: abortion,” said Richards, standing under a banner emblazoned with Planned Parenthood’s new slogan, “No Life Is Sacred.”

… and immediately posted it on his Facebook page with the comment, “More on Planned Parenthood, abortion by the wholesale.”  No kidding.

One of his Facebook friends pointed out that it was satire.  From the Onion.  You know satire?  It’s something done to make you look like a damnfool.  Apparently it works.

Flemming then deleted the Facebook entry.

It is unknown if he said “oops.”

Thanks to RuthAnn for the heads-up.

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