And Speaking of East Texas Hypocracy

November 15, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


There’s a school district in Louie Gohmert’s 1st Congressional District of Texas that is enjoying the real benefits of increased spending.

As you know, Louie Gohmert is as worthless as a four card flush.  He’s a rightwing rolling ball of butcher knives about the “guvmint” doing anything besides climbing in my uterus and roundin’ up Mexicans.

Come to find out, a school district in Louie’s congressional district has been stealing money to make themsleves look good.

Dozens of wealthy Texas school districts held onto more than $40 million in tax dollars that should have gone to poorer districts under the state’s so-called “Robin Hood” law until the state demanded they pay up this year, according to records obtained by The Associated Press.

But of those dozens, one stands head and shoulders above the rest – the Hallsville school district in Harrison county withheld $8.5 million owed to the state.  They used that money to raise the ranking of their 4,200 student district to a higher level on the Texas Education Agency’s scale.

Here’s the clincher.  Pay close attention to the last paragraph.

Instead of sending the $8.5 million to the TEA, Hallsville used it to help fund a three-year, $25.3 million spending spree that coincided with the district raising its accountability rating from academically acceptable to exemplary. Among the district’s expenditures was $13.4 million for the hiring of 110 new employees, including 60 teachers.

“The shame of this is it taints what we did,” said Jason Peterson, a Longview banker who serves as school board president. “We hired a great staff, got what we needed and tried to provide the best education we could.”

“Taints?  Did he say taints,” Juanita asked as she combed out Verdelia’s hair before building her beehive and spraying the hell out of it.  “I think taints is not the word he needs.  I think the word he needs is that increased spending leads to better results.  But, you can’t say that in East Texas because nobody, especially including bankers, thinks that’s proper.  However, stealing from poor kids seems to be just hunky dorey.  They trotted right pass ‘recognized’ and went straight to ‘exemplary’ just by spending more money, even if it was money they swiped. ”

“How’s Louie Gohmert gonna explain this?” Juanita wonders.  “My guess is that he’ll say we should steal from poor kids more often.”

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