And Speaking of Cars — *UPDATED

May 16, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


I got this bumper sticker for my car from a friend this morning.  I love it very much.


And then there’s the strange case of the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles turning their heads for an attack on the President and decency everywhere.

It seems that a gas guzzler in Washington DeeCee is sporting these license plates.

The car belongs to a congressional aide to Texas Republican Congressvarmint Rep. K. Michael Conaway.

A reporter for Mother Jones played the dickens trying too find out who owns the license plate.

A few days later, in a follow-up call concerning the request, a DMV official asked me for the plate information and ran it in the agency’s database. As the information popped up on her screen, I heard her gasp. She told me the information was “sensitive.” I asked whether this had to do specifically with the individual whose registration information I was requesting, or because of general privacy issues. “Both,” she responded, refusing to provide any further information by phone.

In a subsequent call, a separate DMV official, who works in the agency’s special plates division, supplied more information that contributed to the mystery. She said that a committee reviews all novelty plate requests to weed out tags containing vulgarity, racist connotations, sexual references, or other terms that might be objectionable to fellow motorists. She told me that the plate “WTF” is specifically banned. “It’s currently in our system as ‘Do not issue this plate,'” she said. She seemed surprised that WTF 44 had been issued, and said she “strongly” thought it was an “inappropriate reference.”

Well, you can’t have a WTF license plate.  I mean you specifically.  I do not know if an exception to the rule is made for (1) Republicans, (2) Republicans who work for a Republican Congressman, (3) Republicans who drive Lincoln Navigators, (4) Republicans who dislike President #44, or (5) “Sensitive” Republicans.

I do intend to find out, though.


And here’s who the plate is registered to: (Click the little one to get the big one.  Like magic, huh?)

I think I’ll call the DMV today and see if I can get the plate 43 FK-er.

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