And Some Added Intrigue

February 14, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen came across something he thought you might enjoy knowing.  Remember Donald Trump’s and Richard Nixon’s best friend and confidant, Roger Stone?  Who could forget, right?

Well, he’s decided to take his pardon out for a test drive to see how far it will take him.

Christiaan Triebert, an investigative visual reporter for the New York Times put together this report for the Times.  It follows Roger Stones and his Oath Keepers goons on January 5th and 6th.  You can see it on the Times website or on Twitter

Stone’s pardon is limited to the crimes for which he was convicted. He’s on the hook for anything else.
Be sure to catch the pictures of the Oath Keepers harassing the police at the capitol.
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0 Comments to “And Some Added Intrigue”

  1. Maybe Roger doesn’t understand the limitations of his Get Out Of Jail Free Card? I think I’ll glue his picture into my dictionary next to ‘incorrigible.’

  2. Rick @1,

    Add his photo next to the word ‘despicable’.

  3. Criminals gotta crime. It’s just a matter of time until he tries to get away with something else.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And evil, deplorable, loathsome, repugnant, slimy or similar descriptors. Those would be just some of the words that could have a picture of roger stone next to it. Include his friends from The NY Times article, too. Oh, and republican.

  5. Roger Stone. Somewhere there’s a dictionary devoted to all words despicable and his picture is there alongside Jeffrey Epstein.

    As the puzzle with Mort Blackwell and tRumpy corruption comes together, in addition to following the money maybe we should follow their actual airline travel.

    Projection be us Republicons, do tell. BTW was it Indiana or Iowa where you buried the GHW Bush scandals?

  6. One of many fond wishes will be to see Stone incarcerated for his nonstop rejection of the Law. Someday…

  7. thatotherjean says:

    Old Fart, let’s hope that “someday” comes soon. Roger Stone belongs in prison–and if he’s dumb enough to have joined in the insurrection at the Capitol after Trump pardoned him for that other stuff, he needs to be arrested, now.

  8. The depraved, criminal “president” has depraved, criminal acquaintances. Not a surprise. I hope Stone, Flynn, etc all face the music and wind up in orange jumpsuits. And the orangeman, too, of course.
