And She Wins A Double Dose of Thoughts and Prayers

February 14, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is how used we are to killing kids.

A Michigan State University student who was on campus during Monday’s deadly shooting is also a survivor of the Sandy Hook massacre.

Jaqueline Matthews, 21, is originally from Newtown, Connecticut.

She was in 6th grade when the shooting happened in 2012 and is currently majoring in international law at MSU.

“I don’t ever think you ever get over something so traumatic or so tragic, even if it’s not in your community,” she said. “I think things like this, people feel and it never really goes away.”

She suffers from a PTSD fracture in her back due to crouching and hiding in a corner during the Sandy Hook massacre.

I just don’t know what to say.


0 Comments to “And She Wins A Double Dose of Thoughts and Prayers”

  1. Other students on the MSU campus during this were present at the Oxford, MI High School shooting incident too, on 11/30/2021.
    [Oxford is just a few miles south of some of my ancestors from Metamora]

  2. What, exactly, is a “PTSD fracture”? I’m thinking it’s a journalistic brain fart, but I’d like confirmation on that (or explanation, if available).

    I don’t want to minimize the horror of this situation. Since we have been having one or more mass shootings every day for years now, the odds of this happening are pretty high, and getting higher every day. We worship a false idol made of blued steel. And that’s a more powerful religion than Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Zoroastrianism. It’s just disguised as “defense of the Constitution”.

  3. As a Michigan State alumnus, I can’t describe how awful it is to watch places you know and love be televised on national TV for something so terrible. My heart breaks for all of the students, the families of those killed and injured, and the entire MSU community. As The Rock on campus is currently painted, “How many more?”

  4. Fenway Fran says:

    This story about the high school shooting survivor at MSU was heartbreaking. WTF people? But as we know from Sandy Hook, even 20 little ones being gunned down won’t change our gun happy society. It’s sick. State By State piecemeal legislation won’t work as long as the ammosexuals can cross state lines to get what they want.

  5. I’ve almost forgivin Joe for his previous life as a bigoted right wing propaganda commentator. Thank you Mika for helping him see the light!

    ‘Scarborough: GOP Supports Mass Shootings For ‘NRA Money’
    “Earlier today, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough put the BLAME SQUARLY on the shoulders of the Republican Party after yesterday’s mass shooting at Michigan State University.”

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    We’ll never get guns off the street so maybe we can take Chris Rock’s advice and make bullets $5,000 each!

  7. treehugger says:

    It’s not just shootings traumatizing our kids. A recent article in the NYT and the Dallas Morning News report 1 in 3 girls contemplate suicide. Girls are depressed and suffering from trauma resulting from rape, bullying, and other abuse. I imagine the rates of depression, trauma from bullying etc. and suicide ideation are high in boys as well. WTH is our culture doing to our children? WTH are we doing to do about it?
