And She Ain’t Even a Real Blonde

February 05, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Laura Ingraham has one of those voices that sounds like a teaspoon got caught in the garbage disposal.  If I listen to it for more than a minute, my left eye starts twitching and little spittle things run out the sides of my mouth.  It’s not attractive.

So, I am real happy when someone else tells me the dog dump ignorant things she says.

Apparently her new Evilest Person Ever is Sonia Sotomayor.  I just adore Justice Sotomayor and besides Justice Kagan, she’s my favorite.  I bought her book.  Even read it.  Apparently, Laura Ingraham did not.

Screen Shot 2014-02-05 at 12.34.13 PMLaura was upset because Justice Sotomayor told Yale Law students that she was the first justice to use the term “undocumented worker” instead of “illegal alien.”  She said the term “illegal alien” seems insulting to her.

Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham launched an ignorant smear against Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor, suggesting that she has to choose between her “immigrant family background” or the Constitution.

Immigrant family background?  Let’s take a wiki trip.

In 1917, the U.S. granted citizenship to Puerto Ricans.

Justice Sotomayor was born in the Bronx and her mother served in the Women’s Army Corp, you bimbo.

These fake blondes are  giving us real blondes a bad reputation.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.  

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0 Comments to “And She Ain’t Even a Real Blonde”

  1. You mean Mz Ingraham is Native American?

  2. Why let facts get in the way? Nobody at Fox News does. It’s so much easier to spread prejudice, fear and hate when ignorance abounds.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Roger, Roger, Roger, you not so artful fact dodger. We get it that you like the not honest bleach blonds. But if you want we younger white guys to watch your entertainment, try some honest redheads. Or, how about just anyone honest?

  4. I second maryelle comments. I keep waiting for them to get to the bottom of the barrel, but they never do. You’d think they would finally die of embarrassment–but that’s only people who can actually BE embarrassed.

  5. Meh. Ingraham is a paid propagandist. A shill for the GOP. A purveyor of agitation propaganda for logically and morally handicapped conserasheep. Case closed.

  6. OldMayfly says:

    I saw two of Judge Sotomayor’s guest appearances on Sesame Street. (Don’t know if there are more).

    In one she put on her judge’s robes and adjudicated a dispute about cookies–an example of civilized conflict resolution.

    In the other, she explained to a little girl muppet that “princess” is not a career choice.

    Sometimes I disagree with her decisions, but she is a charmer.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    I am saying this in my most tolerant, well behaved voice. Laura Ingraham is described as a conservative political commentator. Think about it. Who usually funds “conservative political commentators?” Was that well behaved enough?
    p.s. I love Sotomayer.

  8. I’m sure Fox News would only be to happy to run a segment on the statute of limitations for calling an immigrant an immigrant. Two generations? Four generations? I’m sure they’ll have an answer.

    In the meantime, Fox News, is it OK to eat pizza? What about tacos? I know sour grapes are fine, as Laura Ingram looks like she’s been snacking on them right before they snapped her photo.

  9. UmptyDump says:

    Hey Laura Ingraham – wanna play the “immigrant family background” game? My stock immigrated to the U.S. and settled in the Midwest in the 1840s. When did your ancestors arrive? And if mine got here before yours, what does that make you? Or does it even matter? Just being born here and claiming that previous generations of your family were born here doesn’t make you a better American. And in your particular case, you’ve proved that beyond the shadow of a doubt, whatever background you claim. Sonya Sotomayor exemplifies the virtues of “American” character better than you any day of the week – twice on Sunday.

  10. charles phillips says:

    She’s a sore molar stuck firmly in the rump of the nation.

  11. Saw this awhile ago and figured that it might be old news caught in a bad news chain cuz this where they were born thing when it comes to Democrats or anyone not Rethug is now soooooo old. Miz Laura needs to go home and change the water on her paper flowers cuz she sure doesn’t have anything else better to do!

  12. Well, if Puerto Ricans “don’t count” (1917), then surely Hawaiians don’t either. But, then do Alaskans (or Canadians)?

  13. Er…AFAIK, all of her children are immigrants. One from Guatemala and two from Russia. How low are you when the insults you throw out are insulting to your own children?

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Are Canadians still arguing about whether or not to join the United States if they get invited to? I heard this argued about for at least an hour in a party in Ontario about 45 years ago.

  15. kath the scrappy says:

    You are NOT going to believe this. Opened a piece of mail delivered yesterday. Very official looking. It was a survey soliciting my opinions and asking for my donations – to the RNC! From Reince Priebus!!!!

    I just about fell out of my chair then promptly tossed it into the shredder. WTH? How could they possibly get ME on a mailing list? With all the Chris Christie snafu going on, they must be feeling desperate.

  16. Laura who?

  17. So basically Ingraham is saying that immigrants and their families unto several generations are inherently bad?

    Way to reach out, guys.

  18. So…she’s one of those buying children from Guatemala? Can she prove the baby wasn’t stolen from the birth-mother?

    Why didn’t she grow her own? If she’s a conservative, that’s what she’s supposed to do, have lots of babies. That whole “full quiver” thing.

  19. Anyone else notice that all of the stone faced blondes on FOX
    seem to have been born with an acid tongue?

    They all look like they are sucking on a lemon, and whichever scandal they are whinging on any day, it is as though the rest of the world does not exist and the scandal has not been proved false days and weeks ago, I think they really are robots and have been programmed with their whiny sucky smears and they cannot be reprogrammed with the facts.

  20. gabberflasted says:

    It is my belief that Ms Ingraham could serve as a ‘ statue ‘ of limitations.

    Her prowess as a commentator is limited by her knowledge.

  21. Thanks to JJ and everybody in the salon, but especially UmptyDump. Just about covers it.

  22. Kath the scrappy–Next time take the original envelope and the contents, shred and put all the shreds into the reply envelope (especially if it is one of those pre-paid postage envelopes) and send it back. Saves space in your recycle bin. And costs the Republicans some money to handle the mail.
