And Playing the Role of a Presidential Candidate Eating His Own Words is Senator Ted Cruz

January 18, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, just when you thought that Ted Cruz’s family tree didn’t fork, you find out about branches growing which every way.

On Ted Cruz’s Canadian birth certificate, his mother is listed as Eleanor Darragh Wilson, using the last name of her first husband, Alan Wilson. The Fort Worth native and long-time resident of London, Wilson is now an unwitting player in the drama that surrounds Cruz’s family.

Wilson, who has never previously spoken about his past with the news media, told McClatchy in a telephone interview from London that he did not realize he was connected to the U.S. Texas senator, however indirect. He didn’t realize that his first wife, Eleanor, whose maiden name is Darragh, had such a well-known son, whose citizenship is at issue in the presidential campaign, or that “Wilson” is on the birth certificate.

I gotta say it.  I just gotta:  Hey, Ted, who’s your daddy?

More family secrets spill forth.  It turns out Ted’s mom wasn’t real clear about who she was married to when she had babies.

Now all these family matters don’t mean diddle squat to me, but they obviously matter greatly to Ted because he is real tight with the birthers and he would be the first to preach about having babies out of wedlock.

Too bad he didn’t sugar coat his words because eating them is gonna choke him.

Thanks to Fred for the heads up.


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