And Mustard Gas Would Be Great on Hot Dogs!

November 22, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Do you know what you get when you cross Megyn Kelly with Bill O’Reilly?  I dunno, but it’s double dumb.

Megyn and Bill could defend Stalin, should the need arise.  They were discussing the gourmet elements of pepper spraying innocent students —

Last night on Fox News, anchor Megyn Kelly joined Bill O’Reilly to assess just how much the protesters at UC Davis deserved to get pepper-sprayed while staging a nonviolent protest last week. “First of all, pepper spray — that just burns your eyes, right?” O’Reilly asks Kelly, the legal (and apparently chemical) expert. “It’s like a derivative of actual pepper,” she responds. “It’s a food product, essentially.”

Yes, and a gun is just a hole punch for paper, essentially.

If I lead a good life, when I die and go to heaven I’ll get to waterboard and pepper spray Bill O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly.  That’s why I am as good as I can be every day.

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