And Meanwhile, Back at The Slimepit

January 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As you know, convicted criminal Tom DeLay keeps postponing his inevitable trip to the the calaboose to serve three years hard time by paying lawyers with his ill-gotten millions to appeal his case so he can keep his star-dancin’ butt on the street.

Personally, and I have no proof of this but I like to wallow in the thought, I think he’s doing it to let me enjoy the best part of any event, the anticipation.  I already have outfits picked out for the inevitable teevee interviews I will do following glorious full color moving pictures of Tom DeLay finally, finally getting his due as he tangos off to jail clutching his Bible and dragging his last shred of dignity. (And you thought I daydreamed about Robert Redford or Dennis Quaid.  Nope, my daydreams are about justice.)

I knew it was just a matter of time until Tom DeLay jumped up to have his say about his Contract With America buddy, Newt Gingrich.  They detest each other.  I think it’s because they battle for the title of the sleaziest most skirt-chasing crooked congressvarmint in history.  Face it, they are both so crooked that they have to screw on their socks in the morning.

So, the cat claws came out yesterday when Michael Berry (shiver) had Tom on his radio show. Here’s thirty seconds of silly.

There’s more to Tom’s interview here.

Bless their hearts, Republican politics has gotten so bad that they have to rely on convicted criminals to provide political commentary.

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