And Just When You Thought That …

July 05, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

… Republicans had used up their allotment of crazy, they go and have a tweet storm.

They tweet pictures of Democrats lambasting the Republican heathcare plan and ask, “Where’s YOUR plan,” Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Al Franken, Bernie Sanders, Democrats?


Okay, see, these are the same Republicans who tried to repeal Obamacare about a 100 times for the past seven years, and now that they’re the dog who finally caught the car … they have no plan.

These are the same Republicans who control both houses of congress and the presidency, but can’t come up with a damn plan.

Okay, they want to see the Democratic plan?





Oh dear, I miss the good-ole-days when Republicans took Democratic surpluses and used it to give tax cuts to their rich friends instead of taking healthcare away from helpless little children.

They are crazy, y’all.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.


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