And Jacks and Aces and Go Fish!

June 21, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Scott Brown is back drinking again.

Sen. Scott Brown said Thursday that he’s held secret meetings with “kings and queens” and other top leaders during his time in the U.S. Senate. An aide later said Brown misspoke when referring to meetings with kings and queens.

Dude, that’s your poker game in the basement.  Those aren’t like real kings and queens. Seriously,  I’m not jacking with ya.  They’re just cards.

He explained his statement:

“Each and every day that I’ve been a United States senator, I’ve been either discussing issues, meeting on issues, in secret meetings and with kings and queens and prime ministers and business leaders and military leaders, talking, voting, working on issues every single day,” Brown said.

Well hellfire, that’s even scarier.

They let Scott Brown vote?

Crap, I didn’t know that.  That poor man has strolled off into Alice and Wonderland and has not even a clue where he is.  We can’t let him actually vote, y’all.  He’s liable to yell Bingo! in the middle of a congressional vote, grab the sword from the stone, and King Kong his way up to the top of the Capitol building.

When asked about it later, we get this understatement about the  garden party going on in Scott Brown’s head…

“He misspoke when he said kings and queens,” Brown campaign aide Colin Reed said.

Misspoke?  No, you did not say that.  You did not, right?  Honey, sometimes when it comes to explaining someone’s delusional behavior, silence cannot be improved upon.  This, obviously, was one of those times.

Secret meetings with kings and queens.  Holy crap, y’all.

Thanks to mb for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And Jacks and Aces and Go Fish!”

  1. My all time favorite take back is Ron Ziegler being quizzed by journalists on the Whitehouse driveway. Speaking of one of Nixon’s constantly evolving Watergate evasions he said “That statement is no longer operative.” I really felt sorry for the guy. It was a totally demeaning and humiliating position to be in.

    Poor Ron had the decency to be embarrassed. I doubt the same can be said for Colin Reed.

  2. daChipster says:

    There’s only 3 queens and 15 kings in the whole entire world. Does he call one a day every 3 weeks (with Sundays off)?

    And how is it that this guy is meeting with kings, queens, prime ministers and generals as the junior Senator from Massachusetts IN SECRET????? Without the knowledge of anyone in the Executive Branch? Excuse me, but there’s this little thing called Separation of Powers, and that one’s not a power that accrues to former nude models pimping their daughters and prancing about the halls of Congress.

    And what’s the matter with Emirs, Presidents, Princes, Premiers, Chairmen, Dear Leaders, Admirals and the odd Emperor or Grand Duke? Won’t they return his secret calls? Aren’t they allowed in his secret club?

    What a maroon! What an ignoramus!

  3. OldMayfly says:

    I guess Scott Brown has never met the Queen of Hearts, as he still has that wooden noggin on top of his neck.

    Hey, Scott, here’s a tip from Alice, “Steer clear of the Q of Hearts.”

  4. In Scott’s defense, I would say that he talks to the Princelings of the Senate, and the Kings of ‘Big Money’ nearly every day. And I think he flys over Queens on his way to and from Washington DC.

  5. Corinne Sabo says:

    IF he was discussing foreign policy, he may have been breaking Federal law.

  6. 1toughlady says:

    What an ig! Really, he needs to keep his fantasies to himself.

  7. LongRider says:

    I noticed that he didn’t once mention talking to the folks who voted him into office.


  8. Sounds to me like he was trying to impress himself because everyone else knew the truth … he’s just full of crap and too much self-importance!

  9. Queens? Like Lindsey Graham?

  10. BarbinDC says:

    @ OK, Tony. You made me spew on my computer. For Shame! Kings? Like Yertle the Turtle Mitch McChinless McConnell?

  11. This isn’t funny anymore. Seriously. The guy needs a total psych eval. I know I say most republicans are batcrap crazy but I think this one is seriously off the rails. I don’t think he’s just playing the power and money game. I wouldn’t want to be in the same state with him let alone the same room.

  12. Brown seems to think that Congress is a glorified game of Dungeons and Dragons.

  13. gidget commando says:

    You would not believe the drubbing he’s taking here in his home state, y’all. Ol’ Scooter’s made the mistake of believing his own press. Watching him unspool’s gonna be fun.

  14. Uncle Dave says:

    Watch out Massachusetts, you Baystaters should stay away from old historic cemeteries. Ghosts may abound. John Hancock’s ghost Sam Adams’s ghost, John Adams’s ghost, the ghosts of all those foredudes may rise right up out of the ground and confront Brown. The very idea of a Senator representing the Codfish State meeting secretly with Kings and Queens should do the trick.

  15. (filing this dispatch from South Carolina, the Palmetto Bug, oops, I mean the Palmetto State. If the wingnutosphere hath a homeland, this be it)

    Pretty Boy Brown, who apparently thinks he’s James Bond, also said he’s had secret meetings with “military leaders” too.

    Dude, Cap’n Crunch and Colonel Sanders are what you have for breakfast and lunch, NOT military leaders.

  16. Yea verily, this man is two tacos shy of a Fiesta Platter.
