And It Will Now Become A Regular Feature at NRA NASCAR Races
I need to confess that I am not a NASCAR fan. I don’t have anything against rednecks driving fast in circles, but I can see that for free in East Bernard after a VFW Dance when nobody can find their way out of the parking lot.
I believe that people go to NASCAR races to see a crash. So when the NRA and NASCAR teamed up, fans were not disappointed.
A Texas man used a gun to commit suicide in the infield of a National Rifle Association-sponsored NASCAR race at the Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth late on Saturday, local authorities said.
Kirk Franklin, 42, of nearby Saginaw died after shooting himself at 10:30 p.m. on Saturday during the NRA 500 Sprint Cup race, according to the Tarrant County Medical Examiner.
NASCAR races with rednecks, beer, and guns is probably almost a good idea if you want to thin out the herd.
Otherwise, it sucks big time.