And I’m Hacked-Off at Ron Paul, Too

August 31, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Like the lamestream media, I mostly ignore Ron Paul.  His congressional district starts just down the road from me and I’ve successfully ignored him and his embarrassing adoration of Ayn Rand for many years.  I kept hoping he’d outgrow it and catch up with the emotionally mature people who got over Ayn Rand at the age on 17 or so.

He didn’t.

And now he’s hacked me off.  He wants to get rid of FEMA.

And he used the 1900 Galveston hurricane as an example of how Galveston “survived just fine” without FEMA.

Galveston after the 1900 storm

Okay, Ron Paul crossed the line.  My Grandpa lived through the 1900 Galveston storm.  He was 10 years old.  His parents, who also survived, left the island for New Orleans after searching for months for the bodies of their parents, who they never found.   Until the day he died, my Grandpa would not discuss the storm except for saying that it was something he spent a lifetime trying to forget.

My friend Hal gave Ron Paul a lesson in survival that I cannot improve upon.

The only reason my Grandpa survived was because the United States Army came with shelter and medical supplies.  You know, like FEMA does now.

FEMA did not work under George Bush because of cronyism.  Remember that when Rick Perry asks for your vote.

I disagree with Hal about letting Ron Paul do your pregnancy test.  Any grown up who still adores Ayn Rand lacks the compassion gene.  I want my doctor to have that.

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