And If Anybody Would Know, It’s Louie

April 22, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember last week when Texas Congressvarmint Blake Farenthold wanted to withhold Eric Holder’s paycheck?

Well, Louie Gohmert had to stay up nights to think of a way to top that level of wacky.  I mean, Honey, one-upping Blake Farenthold in the goofy department is not for amateurs.

You’ll be happy to know that Louie came through.

In an interview Friday on the Family Research Council’s Washington Watch, Rep. Louie Gohmert said that Congress should considering passing a resolution directing the sergeant at arms to arrest Attorney General Eric Holder.

Louie suggested that a good time to do it would have been during the State of the Union Address.

Louie has considered de-funding the entire Justice Department – yeah, the whole damn thing because American would be a much better place without so damn much justice.  But, failing that, he has a Plan B.

But apparently another option would be to direct a sergeant at arms, somebody comes into our jurisdiction at Capitol Hill, you restrain them until such time, and there is a cell there on Capitol Hill.

And if anybody would know about the cell on Capitol Hill, it would be Louie.



Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And If Anybody Would Know, It’s Louie”

  1. Aggieland liz says:

    He might want to check out how well that whole defunding idea thingy is going for Guv Goodhair…

  2. Dang it, Louie! You really do take me back to the days in grad school when I was studying psychology and the subject was the fantasies of folks on stuff they shouldn’t be taking! Just wish I had you then for show and tell!

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    It’s unfortunate, when Loopy Louie is hearing the voices in his head, that he can’t prevent them exiting through his mouth. AG Holder sure must appreciate Louie for his daily giggle fest.

  4. Gohmert & Farenthold are the Abbott & Costello of the Texas GOP. Only not funny.

  5. I propose that, in the spirit of conserving resources on Earth Day, we stop feeding all these gohmerts.

  6. Every week the Washington Post has a word game. Last week’s was to come up with a variation on some common “X and Y” phrase. Winner was “Skull and void: Louie Gohmert’s head X-ray.” And this from Frank Osen in Pasadena, California. Not even a Texan. How Louie’s fame has spread…..

  7. If we’re talking brain cells, then having one on Capitol Hill is a serious exaggeration.

  8. Fred Farklestone says:

    Poor Louie, he doesn’t even realize how big of a dupe he is!
    Louie and his contempt charges against Holder don’t hold water! Here’s what Bush did when Congress charged John Bolton and Harriet Miers with contempt!
    Gohmert and his staff must not have known of or how to use Google

  9. mscrankypants says:

    Doesn’t Louie have a spouse at home to whup him upside the head for being so stoopid?

  10. Gary Halter says:

    The Attorney General does not usually attend State of the Union addresses because of the line of succession to the office of the president .
