And I Suspect We Are Going To Have To Have The Daily Cruz
Texas’s latest stand-out crazy even in Washington Dee Cee is Ted Cruz – our new Canadian born Cuban Tea Party Senator.
He’s gonna give Louie Gohmert a run for his wild and crazy.
Ted gave a speech explaining why Latinos didn’t vote Republican.
“You want to know why Barack Obama won 71 percent of the Hispanic vote? Tone on immigration contributed, but I think far more important was ’47 percent,'” Cruz said.
So, Poor Ted thinks Republicans lost Hispanic support because of that whole 47% thing that Romney said.
Bless his heart, Ted has it floored in neutral.
Two weeks before the 47% comment, Romney had 28% of the Hispanic vote. Romney ended up with 27% of the Hispanic vote. The comment, apparently cost Romney 1% of the Hispanic vote.
It’s the arithmetic.
Rumor has it that Ted Cruz wants to run for President. Keep your fingers crossed.
Thanks to David for the heads up.