And I Hear Crickets
So, let’s pretend you’re knee-deep in a sex scandal. And let’s pretend you’re the president. Republicans love sex sandals because they can understand them. They have been cursed by the karma princess for that time Ken Starr went bj-rogue on Bill Clinton, so now wildly perverted sex scandals are a dime a dozen on the red side of the aisle.
So, let’s say you’re president and you need to get attention away from Jeffrey Epstein. What do you do?
Oh, I know. Racism – the GOP calling card.
The only Republican who even came close to condemning Trump’s vile racism on Twitter was Texas Republican Chip Roy, but it doesn’t count because he had a BUT. If you see a sentence with BUT in it, don’t read or believe any of the words that came before it.
Chip Roy worked for John Cornyn, is Ted Cruz’s former chief of staff, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s first assistant, and Rick Perry’s ghostwriter for his 2010 book. He gets passed around more than a bong at a Rolling Stones concert.
Last May, Roy single-handedly defeated the $90 billion disaster aid package and received criticism from both sides of the aisle. He’s kinda the new Ron Paul.