And I Didn’t Even Know They Could Read

February 01, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Come to find out, I need to go over my AT&T bill this month with a fine tooth comb.  Juanita just found out that there may be a Rick Perry Surcharge on our AT&T bills.

Rick Perry’s Republican Governor’s Association served as cashier for the purchase of 700 copies of his book Fed-Up. Dallas-based AT&T paid for the books, which were distributed to state legislators, lobbyists and activists at a conservative policy summit in December in Washington. The cost: $18,349, according to the latest campaign filing by the Republican Governors Association, which Perry heads.

So, Rick Perry pressured AT&T to up his book sales through an organization that Rick Perry heads.  Cute.

The purchase has raised some concerns among campaign-reform advocates who note that AT&T, which was boosting sales of Perry’s book, has a lot of business before the state of Texas and Texas regulators.

Ya think?  Really?

“Hey, Rick,” Juanita hollers, “guess who’s fed up now?”

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