And How Proud We Are

July 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am pleased to announce that Texas Governor Rick Perry has won an award. Even I have to admit it’s a well deserved one.

The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington have named him one of the worst Governors in America … And most anyplace else.

You can read the report right here.

It ain’t pretty. When not stealing from cancer research, he’s found a few other things to keep himself busy.

His inclusion stems from: (1) promotion of a political culture rife with cronyism and pay-to-play appointments; (2) the pervasiveness and influence of revolving-door lobbyists in his administration; (3) accepting free trips on the private planes of donors and special interests; (4) abusing his position to benefit his family; (5) simultaneous collection of a state government salary and state retirement pension; (6) financial disclosure reporting violations; (7) repeated flouting of transparency standards and blocking of public disclosure; (8) misuse of state resources for his presidential campaign; (9) advocacy for voter identification restrictions; and (10) killing a measure that would have required politically active nonprofits to disclose their donors. He was included in CREW’s 2010 report on governors.

Actually, stealing from cancer research money is one the lesser things he’s done.

Yeah, but he’s got great hair and boxes and boxes of confiscated tampons. That’s my Governor, Darlin’.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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