And High Ten Would Replace a Kiss For Those in Love

February 10, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s Missouri so you gotta show me!

Missouri state Rep. Courtney Allen Curtis wants to give you a high-five, and he wants it to be official.

Curtis, a Democrat, recently introduced HB 1624, which reads, “The ‘high five’ is selected for and shall be known as the official state greeting in the state of Missouri.”

Curtis says that he wrote this bill in about 10 minutes so it’s not taking way from his time on more important matters.  You mean there’s more important matters in Missouri?

Curtis said his inspiration for the bill is the children and teens he works with on a regular basis. He said he wanted to use the measure as a teaching tool to showcase how legislation is created and moves through the lawmaking process.

And surely there’s another lesson here.  Ya think?

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

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