And High Ten Would Replace a Kiss For Those in Love

February 10, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s Missouri so you gotta show me!

Missouri state Rep. Courtney Allen Curtis wants to give you a high-five, and he wants it to be official.

Curtis, a Democrat, recently introduced HB 1624, which reads, “The ‘high five’ is selected for and shall be known as the official state greeting in the state of Missouri.”

Curtis says that he wrote this bill in about 10 minutes so it’s not taking way from his time on more important matters.  You mean there’s more important matters in Missouri?

Curtis said his inspiration for the bill is the children and teens he works with on a regular basis. He said he wanted to use the measure as a teaching tool to showcase how legislation is created and moves through the lawmaking process.

And surely there’s another lesson here.  Ya think?

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And High Ten Would Replace a Kiss For Those in Love”

  1. What a great idea for teaching kids how government (theoretically) works.

  2. Hey Mr. Curtis. Give a “high five” to Michael Sam.

    The University of Missouri….. or Mizzou….. already has.

  3. Wants to show kids how frivolous and silly legislation can be enacted? Right. Definitely show them that legislators would rather make unnecessary laws than make or enforce good ones.

  4. Liberty Belle says:

    But the Legislators here in Missouri specialize in frivolous and silly legislation! They do that, so that they don’t have to work on the hard things – like health care (no coverage for you poors), education (only if you can opt out of the evolution lesson), and criminal justice issues (state sponsored death by unknown drugs from unknown places). At least this one doesn’t bar the feds from enforcing the law.

  5. Proving that not all silly, useless legislation comes from “R” side of the aisle. Now you kids get off my lawn!

  6. This reminds me of when my oldest was in elementary. He had an assignment to find out/memorize Texas’ official state mammal, fish, sport etc. To my amazement Texas and many other states have such. I wondered then how it was I missed the announcements of an enduring peace in the Mid-East, the cure for cancer, and the destruction of every last copy of Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman. My wife informed me none of these life altering events had happened. Then why in tarnation are members of the Texas lege working on idiotic things like an official state fish until all that necessary stuff has been decided and completed? Good grief.

  7. As my former government teacher, now a MO State Rep. pointed out, Missouri’s Legislature is now so dysfunctional as a result of the current crop of crazies there isn’t a lot a Democrat can do in Jefferson City. Still, High Five!? My cat can do that! Maybe I should run him for office…..

    Miemaw, Michael Sam is the real deal and we are very proud of him. He is a top notch defensive lineman, a first-team all-American, and the defensive player of the year in the Southeastern Conference. His teammates voted him Missouri’s most valuable player this year and he is widely respected for his integrity and intensity.

    He grew up in Hitchcock, Tex. about 40 miles southeast of Houston, the seventh of eight children and he is the first person in his family to attend college. He graduated from MU this December and we think he will get picked up in the third round of the draft.

    Sam insists that there has never been an issue with his team mates. There is a great article about him over at the New York Times. The part I enjoyed the most occurred when the reporter asked if coming out to his football team was a positive step:

    “Once I became official to my teammates, I knew who I was,” Mr. Sam said. “I knew that I was gay. And I knew that I was Michael Sam, who’s a Mizzou football player who happens to be gay. I was so proud of myself and I just didn’t care who knew. If someone on the street would have asked me, ‘Hey, Mike, I heard you were gay; is that true?’ I would have said yes.”

    No one asked.

    “I guess they don’t want to ask a 6-3, 260-pound defensive lineman if he was gay or not,” Mr. Sam said. And he laughed.

    So high Five for Michael Sam, if not for my state’s legislature.

  8. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Sounds like Missouri state Rep. Courtney Allen Curtis has been goosed one too many times.

    I hope they deduct that 10 minutes from his pay.

  9. Ditto on the high five for Michael Sam. The more “regular people” come out as gay, the more people will accept that they’re just some of us like everybody else.

  10. VeeGee in VT says:

    So, is Missouri a pot state? Just sayin’…….

  11. Aw shucks! I was pulling for the fist bump.

  12. Whatever happened to the YMCA Youth and Government program? They took kids to the state capitols and took them through the entire bill writing and passing process. The students spent a year learning the process, then doing it with kids from all over the state.

  13. My youngest grandson voted for the belly bump. The oldest one went with the butt bump.

    I refuse to take sides.

  14. e platypus onion says:

    Great-armless people have to greet by proxy. Instead of hire the handicapped,the handicapped have to hire a non-handicapped person to meet and greet.
