And He’s Off and Running

December 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry made his announcement for a Presidential bid yesterday speaking at a Tea Party meeting.

Perry expressed his continued support for gun rights, according to the Dallas Morning News, saying he believed people with concealed-handgun licenses “should be able to carry your handgun anywhere in this state,” and elicited applause when he spoke positively about a Texas school system that allows some staff members to come to school armed.

Got Gun?

Okay, so here’s a plan.  With everybody so excited about arming everybody, why do I have to go through a metal detector and get frisked to get into the State Capitol?  I mean, you don’t have to go through a metal detector to get into schools, but you do at the State Capitol?  That doesn’t seem right since it’s the boys at the Texas Capitol who are so hung-ho yee-haw about toting around extensions of their weenis.

And Rick, who hates, hates, hates the federal government and thinks it should do nothing is once again running for President of the federal government because he’s real, real good at doing nothing.

Perry also said he is open to running for president again, despite his spectacular crash-and-burn in 2012, when his campaign for the Republican nomination effectively ended after he bungled a debate question.

He said he still had a “burning desire” to see America led by a “God-fearing conservative patriot.”

It’s more like crash and burn.

Thank God the world is ending.

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