And He’s a Doctor, Y’all

July 16, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Houston is a fairly liberal city.  We’ve had Democratic mayors, including minorities and women, since about 1970.  But even Houston has its share of batcrap crazy Republicans.

UnknownDr. Steven Hotze is president the Conservative Republicans of Texas, a group so far rightwing that it tilts south and sometimes digs holes for itself.  Hotze is a medical doctor who runs voodoo medical clinics where he profits off of made-up drugs.  He’s a creep preying on sick people.

Dr. Hotze is obsessed, totally obsessed, with gays.  You’d think he would have a created a drug against it by now.  See how he’s bald?  That’s because his hair caught on fire while he was running around screaming, “The gays are here to kill us!”

His latest?

“They want to intimidate individuals, churches, schools and families to celebrate those that participate in anal sex. That’s what they love and enjoy: anal sex. And that’s bad, that’s evil. It’s a terrible thing to try to do and they want to try to teach it to kids in schools,” he said. “Kids will be encouraged to practice sodomy in kindergarten.”

Hell, in my house kids were still practicing not wetting their pants in kindergarten.

One more question:  who sits around and thinks up stuff like this?

Thanks to Chris for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And He’s a Doctor, Y’all”

  1. We really missed an opportunity when we failed to open those darned FEMA re-education camps…. think there’s still time?

  2. Aggieland Liz says:

    I’m thinking Dr Hotze (gotta be hot-zee y’all!) is envious because he has never had the nerve to come out of his closet…hence his obsession with other people’s orifices…

  3. I think it’s not possible to be named Hotze and thus endure schoolmates calling you every rhyming thing under the sun – Hottsie Tottsie, etc etc – without becoming a bit insane. Maybe if he took anti-depressants he’d be ok.

  4. maryelle says:

    Another sex obsessed right winger who can’t see the forest for the trees. Of course heteros would NEVER practice anal sex.
    Believe that one and have I got a bridge for you. The whole point is that it is nobody’s business what goes on in consenting adults’ bedrooms. And as for teaching kids in school, they already know far more in this area than the poor teachers do.

  5. It’s a shame that Saint Ronnie Raygun closed all the state mental hospitals, isn’t it? This poor man needs to be taken care of, as it is clear that he is to insane to fo it himself…

  6. treehugger says:

    These people are totally obsessed with how people have sex. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if they uncover child porn on this dude’s computer. Or he’s caught in flagrante with an under-age male in a public bathroom somewhere.

  7. Who sits around thinking stuff like this up? We call ’em preverts.

  8. treehugger the odds are actually in favor of that. Very often when you have an extreme morality position like this it is actually protective coloration for a predator. What he claims to hate so much is actually what he either wants or actually does do.

    If he is in a situation where he is repressing those feelings he will be totally envious of people who have the freedom to do what he wants. So in bitterness he will end up lashing out like this.

    Personally, I wouldn’t really care to be examined by this individual.

    And finally, I wouldn’t know but I would think that a majority of lesbians don’t practice anal sex on any kind of regular basis, do they?

  9. Teaching kids sodomy in kindergarten? Hell, it’s tough enough to teach the kindergarteners I read with to cover their mouths when they cough.

  10. I’m with treehugger on this one. He seems to spend an awful lot of time thinking about anal sex with very small children. That just isn’t right. Time to send the police to investigate. Check his computer, talk to children in his neighborhood. Talk to his kids, if he has any. Nieces? Nephews? When people start talking — apropos of nothing — about explicit sex acts with small children, you know it is because they have spent many, many hours imagining it.

  11. @treehugger, I’m with you on this. It does seem that those men who most revile gays are just trying to provide cover of their own gayness. They “doth protest too much.” People so concerned about other people’s sex lives need to be put in some of those FEMA camps with others of the same ilk.

  12. Old Mayfly says:

    On a side note, Hotze is a Dominionist/Reconstructionist. He is well-regarded in those circles. Their ideal society (which they wish to establish here) is a Puritan church-run witch-burning community modeled on early New England.

  13. For all of these RWNJs, Hotze and Looey, too, denial is a river in Egypt. Old Mayfly, I agree with that ideal society thing they have in their heads. However, the one they dreamed up is just that. Basically, the original Puritan bunch (those they survived the winter) were very small in numbers and frankly the entire original bunch functioned very much like a closed private club with their own rules and regs like the Mayflower Compact. These people have been romanticized so much in film and literature that we now have head cases like Hotze who have bought that tarboosh hook, line and sinker. The Old Guard (the leftovers and some of the newer arrivals on successive ships) did not hold on that long but did do their own witchy damage with the “trials” which resulted in certain powerful people in the grow getting the property of the victims. Diversity and population growth was what diminished “Life as we knew it” for the hold outs.

  14. If I had a kid I wouldn’t let this creepy SOB within a mile. Yeah, check his computer and I bet you find some seriously ugly stuff. “But I was just checking up on those evil gays!” Sure you were.

    On another note: “Conservative Republicans of Texas”? Is there another kind? Or is this like the Judean People’s Front and the People’s Front of Judea?
    (possibly not for Mama)

  15. Ellen Childress says:

    Well, let the doctor talk. Everything he says will serve to hang him at some point. It’s kind of like my wish to allow people to keep their confederate battle flags on their auto license plates because it tells the rest of us who might have a sheet with eye-holes in it under the front seat.

  16. lunargent says:

    What – no oral?

  17. Zyxomma says:

    Everyone’s already said what’s on my mind. Came to the party too late.

  18. JAKvirginia says:

    “…those that participate in anal sex…”

    Doctor? Go online, go to Google, type in ” sex anal videos “, enjoy. You’ll notice they’re all guys and gals. But then maybe you only go to the gay sites and, well, that’s another story isn’t it? Hmmm.
