And Here’s Something Else That Hacks Me Off
Get a load of this —
Remember when Bush and Cheney lied bald faced to us? Remember when they stood up and denied torturing? And to this day, they deny that they ever did anything wrong? Oh yeah, Republicans said they were standing tough and acting like he-men.
Remember that?
Well, look here —
Bush is tough. Obama is defiant.
We need to get that ex-boxer to roll some heads.
Well, you know, Obama is black, so he *can’t* be the good guy.
I’m just so very grateful that we have a wise, strong leader to keep us from devolving into total idiocracy.
1I’m counting on President Obama NOT to change course. With all the Repub nut-jobs now joining the ones in DC we’re going to need our strong sane President more than ever.
2Yup … as long as Barack continues to be black and the president, he’ll never be able to do a damn thing right in the eyes of the Ridiculous Right!!
I dread these next 2 years and dread what these Ridiculous Right Morons will attempt to do to hurt us all!! I can’t even contemplate what all they might come up with … the damage they could inflict given half a chance! I just hope and pray the President will stay on top of everything … pass what can be passed and veto what needs to be vetoed.
3Obama hasn’t been perfect. He’s disappointed me on a number of issues (mostly by not kicking Rs in the nuts when they stood in his way), but he’s done a lot of good and tried to do more. The candidates who lost chose to run away from him. The active role was theirs. They misread the map, got lost, walked into a hostile environment, and got skinned. They ignored the guy standing at the crossroads and pointing to way forward. These failed candidates need to own their mistakes, and particularly to remember that given the choice between a Democrat that sorta looks like a Republican and a Republican, they’ll go with the Republican every time.
They also need to learn the wisdom of the operating mode of one of my old department head. He dealt with lots of strong personalities with lots of strongly held opinions about how things should be done. When someone would come to him with a complaint about how something should be done he would listen politely and say “I hear ya, but this is how it’s going to be.” People can hear the word “No” without collapsing as long as they believe they’ve been heard. Well adults can, which is why that approach would never work for Obama with Congress.
4I apologies if the kick in the n***s was too impolite for Mama. I’m still recovering from a full day of working at the polls on Tuesday.
6I mildly disagree with this part of your thought. If the election Tuesday proved anything, it proved that this nation HAS devolved into a majority idiocracy. With Texas bearing the flag.
I’m with Micr @6.
7I’m not happy about how the election turned out, either. But the country survived 8 years of Bush/Cheney, so I think it will survive. Maybe not well, but it will survive.
We can hope that after 2 years of these people, voters will be so sick of them they will vote Democratic in 2016.
8Taking bets now as to how many R congress critters quite before their term is up cuz they just can’t take it and/or are forced to depart due to some kind of misbehavior. The first criteria is a given cuz these dingbats have no idea whatever how government works. They think all they have to do is give an order and everybody jumps to and when they don’t and resistance is omnipresent, they start wailing and whining about how badly the “government” treats them. God help snot-nosed princes and fish!
9Texas has a lot on its hands with Abbot and Co., my Virginia district has managed to hold onto its Democratic Senator, Mark Warner. So, after three days of weapons-grade anger at the number of really freaky republicans elected, I have distilled it down to home in on that complete wierdo, Joni Ernst. She will have to line up for my snark along with the Cubanadian Grandstander Cruz (God I am sorry for you guys), and all those insane “preachers” one encounters on the radio and internet.
May I borrow “Cubanadian” ? It says so much, so gracefully.
And Micr and Sandridge 6/7-it’s so true that I have lost hope…
I told my children (20+ years ago) that most people were stupid and that it would take a lot of work to find the few that they could be friends with, but with education, some windows in the mind could be cracked open, even if the doors were shut.
11After so much bread and circus, pandering to the lowest in our schools, TV and entertainment–garbage in, garbage out–I am more than worried. Our poor teachers should be held as the heroes that they are, vainly trying to teach in the classrooms full of students who through no fault of their own can’t concentrate because they are hungry and stressed beyond measure in their home life.
I have been in prayer for the safety of my president for years, and now will hold those thoughts even more strongly, for if he were to fall, the repercussions for candidates in the not white range of humanity could be tremendous…I remember too, that my children, in our middle/upper middle class life had only two “black” people in their lives–the school head master (Harvard grad) and the lady in charge of the “snack shack” at the swim club (kind of crabby) So the two most important people in their universe, the people with power, were black. My companions in childhood were polyglot–but in the ghetto…so I have a much different bias than most of the people I know.
Hold on to love, teach only that, accept and meet your brothers where they are at, having “Kindness is my religion”, that is what I hold on to. “Red” states live in fear, the death throes of what doesn’t work, being on the wrong side of history and against the acceptance of the new. That calls for compassion. I (at my care homes) have held the bodies of the old as they lay dying, and they often exhibited such fear in their passing (apologizing to people who were long gone, being so sorry) because of the teachings they had internalized, somehow certain they were going to burn, even though they were “forgiven”.
It’s a terrible world the fearful right wing has for in store for us…Newt the divorce king standing in as the “family values” candidate says it all. And “I tremble for my country, when I reflect that God is just.”–T Jefferson…me too. All that is left is to love one another and forgive them (fighting for the good the whole time!)