And Here’s How We Solve the Problem of Pesky People Who Vote Republican

October 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thank you, Memphis!

The Tennessee Court of Appeals has upheld the state’s new law requiring voters to show photo identification at polling places and ruled that election officials must accept an ID issued by the Memphis library.

A three-judge panel of the court ruled unanimously Thursday in a case brought by the city of Memphis and two voters who lacked photo ID and cast provisional ballots during the August primary.

Okay, so if we required (instead of just allowed) a library card for voter identification, there would be no Republican voters.  Why, you ask?

First, no self respecting Republican would enter the confines of a PUBLIC library.  I mean, ruffians who cause tumult can go there.  Anyone can go there.  Yuck.

Second, if they read a book or two, they would not be Republicans.

I say, make a library card be required to vote.  Nice start, Tennessee!

That’s what I say.

Thanks to Marti for the heads up.

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