And He’ll Fit Right In, Too
I want you to met Foster Friess, a conservative megadonor who lives in Wyoming.
Foster has just announced that he wants to run to Governor of Wyoming, even though he doesn’t know much about many of the issues. However, he has an explanation for that.
But Friess explained that he still needed to learn a lot more about the issues facing the state because his hometown paper, the Jackson Hole News & Guide, had not done a good job informing its readers. Friess argues the paper “is very left-wing so they give a perspective on what some of the issues are—but we hear about the grizzlies, we hear about the coal issue.”
Damn shame that only one newspaper is allowed in Wyoming.
He also want to return civility to politics, but his first act toward this lofty goal was not to be so civil. Or smart. He missed the smart goal.
Friess used a state party convention luncheon to call for a return to “civility” in American politics. He then suggested that Barack Obama had funneled money intended to mitigate global warming to cousins in a foreign country Friess didn’t know how to pronounce, adding, “Zoowanatou … it’s some little country I’ve never been.”
Well Honey, if you have’t been there, it probably doesn’t even have name.
Thanks to SGray for the heads up.