And He Can Almost Pronounce It

March 07, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Louie Gohmert has learned a new word.  He’s stopped calling any who who disagrees with him Hitler.  They are now Ayatollahs.

Gohmert told the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins that while he attends Obama’s speeches out of “respect for the office” even though he rarely agrees with what the president is saying, Obama and other administration officials “disrespected Israel and disrespected the leader of Israel, it was not about the man.” “If you named a caucus by who it helped, you’d have to name this one the Ayatollah Caucus.”

Remember the State of the Union speech where Congressfool Joe Wilson hollered, “You lie!”  Well, at that same speech, Louie Gohmert wore a handmade sign around his neck saying, “What bill?”

Oh yah, they were on a tear that night.

t1home.obama.speech.09.poolSo, I guess I’m asking who gets to define “disrespect?”

Louie Damn Gohmert?

Oh no.





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