And Greg Abbott’s Butt

February 06, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You’ve heard about the redistricting mess in Texas.  Republicans want an entire Republican rich white boy legislature and congress.  It’s been a tough fight but we have better lawyers than they do, so we ain’t waving a white flag.

Okay, so to shock and awe everybody, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott announced early this afternoon that “an agreement  has been reached with some parties regarding the ongoing redistricting legal fight.”

Really?  You mean it finally over and we can have an election?  Well, that’s some dandy news.

Not so quick, pardner.

Come to find out, the “some parties” appear to be Greg Abbott, a very small group of conservative Hispanics, Greg Abbott’s butt, some of Greg Abbott’s imaginary friends, and a drunk guy passed out in front of the Baptist Church in Sanger, Texas, claiming to be Randy Travis.

Today was the deadline to reach an agreement in order to have an April 3rd primary and Abbott played games.  With his butt.  He announced an agreement with one small group and said to Texas voters, “Come and get it!”

When we got there, there was a screwing awaiting us.

Left out of the agreement was (LULAC), the NAACP, the entire Democratic Party, the Gonzales Plaintiffs and the Quesda/Veasey Plaintiffs. The Mexican American Legislative Caucus also opposes the Abbott’s plan.

Faster than a bullet with legs, the San Antonio three judge panel (two of who were appointed by Republicans)  told the parties to keep negotiating, which means they were not impressed with Greg Abbott’s hiney, either.

One day when I’ve had a little more to drink, I’m gonna tell you all about a punk named Congressman Henry Goddam Cuellar, a Democrat who sells out Hispanics.  He aligned himself with Tom Delay during the last redistricting.  Greg Abbott now holds his leash.  He calls himself a Blue Dog Democrat, but only because there is no official Worthless Jerk Idiot Damn Twit Dog Democrat caucus.  I’m serious as a heart attack.


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