And Florida is Still Counting

November 08, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, you just gotta wonder if Florida will get the votes counted in time for the inauguration.

Florida will not finish counting thousands of absentee ballots until sometime Thursday, according to Miami-Dade County Elections Supervisor Penelope Tounsley, reports the Miami Herald.

As of Wednesday morning, elections staffers  still had 20,000 absentee ballots to put through a tedious counting process.

Here’s my bet:  Florida has purposefully and officially seceded from Presidential politics.  I say we take their 29 electoral votes and donate them the Hurricane Sandy relief efforts.

Okay, take a guess — is this election vote counting in Florida or Kyrgyzstan?



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Yeah, Florida, you got it together.

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