And, Dude, It’s Only Going to Get Worse

March 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh y’all, I am deeply surprise that there wasn’t gun play.

Police and organizers shut down proceedings at one of Missouri’s largest caucuses today, as Ron Paul supporters feuded with local GOP leaders.

“It’s like the Hatfields and the McCoys around here,” St. Charles County’s former GOP chairman told ABC News, after police arrived on-scene with a helicopter and removed Paul backers.

Honey, Ron Paul’s congressional district starts about 25 miles from where I’m sitting and those rabid Ron Paul people are meaner than ten acres of snakes.  They will cut you.

Juanita Jean and her largely useless crystal ball predict that the Ron Paul and Rick Santorum supporters will go all the way to the Republican national convention with a chip on their shoulders so big that a picture of it would weigh 5 pounds.

They are going to cause more trouble than a hurricane with two eyes.  I can’t wait.  I’ve got the last week of August marked out on my calendar because, dammit, I love rowdy hoopla and these folks are in position to guarantee it.

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