And, Dammit, It’s HIS Fault
In case you have any friends who still think that we’re in post-racial America, let them now that Arizona hasn’t gotten the memo.
When President Obama spoke there yesterday, crowds greeted him and there were more protestors than supporters.
Obama foes at one point sang, “Bye Bye Black Sheep,” a derogatory reference to the president’s skin color, while protesters like Deanne Bartram raised a sign saying, “Impeach the Half-White Muslim!”
But, they couldn’t help themselves. You know for fact who is at fault, right?
But a prevailing theme among many in the protest appeared to be issues of race. Some even suggested that Obama himself was to blame for racial tensions.
“We have gone back so many years,” Judy Burris told the Republic, arguing Obama had taken the nation back to pre-Civil Rights era levels of racism. “He’s divided all the races. I hate him for that.”
Because, you know, he’s black and he doesn’t cover it up. He could just stay inside the White House but he insists on walking around the country being black. That’s divisive.
Holy crap, y’all. Where do they find these crazy white people? Oh yeah, Arizona.