And, Boy Howdy, We Are Plenty Proud!
Our Gubnor jest won himself one of them prizes.
From the Washington Post:
Today we are handing out the Fixy — the coveted political awards that we, well, made up — for the worst candidate of the 2012 election. Tomorrow we give out The Fixy for the best candidate.
But, in our mind, the race to the bottom wasn’t all that close. We are giving The Fixy for worst candidate of 2012 to Texas Gov. Rick Perry for his remarkably poor presidential campaign.
Jeeter and his older brother Dirt Janochek, of course, are not impressed. Jeeter says he’d like to kindly inform those Yankees that Rick Perry has himself a lot fancier Worst awards than their piddling little contest. Rick won the Oh Crap You’re Godawful award for his work in state government and the Official Glen Maxey Please Put It Away award from the LGBT Coalition of Texas. He swept all the categories of Worst Rock Paintings at Hunting Lodges, and killed the competition at the semi-annual Remembering Things competition.
When it comes to being the worst, Rick Perry is an expert.
Thanks to Andrea and Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.