And Boy Howdy, They Got Their Money’s Worth

January 28, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have avoided talking about the semi-tragic and what-the-hell-took-so-long split between Sarah Palin and Fox news.

Cannibals with a common enemy will be friends for a while but each of them knows that one of them is going to end up in a pot with some cumin and paprika.  How long the truce lasts depends on how long the enemy does.  If the enemy lasts long enough they’ll turn on each other.

We’re taking bets around here about how long it will take for Sarah starts calling Fox News names.  I suggest “Cracker Time” and “Cheap Cocaine,” but I don’t think she’ll use that.

Sarah will make Fox part of the conspiracy and make really scared people hunker down and move to Alaska.  Which, in my mind, is not a bad idea.  If any of our Palin supporters in Texas want to go, I’ll personally transport them as far as the Arizona state line.

Well, today somebody with too much free time on their hands has figured out that Fox News paid Palin $15 a word for her appearances on Fox and 111 of those words were “Amen.”  Lazy researchers didn’t count how many “you betchas” or Katie Couric snarks were included.

I figure that this, too, is a good thing.  That’s a lotta wasted money at Fox and Palin won’t do anything constructive with the money because she’s not too terribly bright.  Did you notice that?

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And Boy Howdy, They Got Their Money’s Worth”

  1. Best comment I heard was that both Fox and Palin gained credibility.

  2. Watching the outcome of the Fox News and Sarah Palin trainwreck was exactly like watching two locomotives barreling out of control down the same track, headed for a head on collision. Except I think for most of us, in slow, slow motion. What took so long?

  3. Richard McDonald says:

    What a waste of money and time.

  4. Rick, obviously it took so long because Palin is one of those sorority-type feminists who get all the good jobs, remember?

  5. scottybeamer says:

    Her 15 minutes were used up before the clock ever started. What a waste of ………just about everything!

  6. Aghast Independent says:

    Interesting calculation. Lots of money spent on a loser. I wonder if anybody has calculated the cost per word Karl Rove wasted on Mitt Romney’s presidential run? At the larhgess of the Koch brothers and other rich Repubs?

    Real financial geniuses…..

  7. I’ve got some friends in Alaska who sure don’t want her bringing the crazy back there – apparently they have a plentiful supply already (Palin and family included).

    I’m pretty sure every progressive would love to dump the crazies in their state somewhere else. It’s our very own not-in-my-backyard issue. Perhaps we could buy them all a nice enclave somewhere? An island? the center of an extinct volcano? the dark side of the moon? We could encourage FOX news to move right along with them, thus clearing the air for thousands of miles all around, and bringing in a joyous era of rainbows, unicorns, and peace of mind.

    I would miss them all just a little – they are the best reality show going, crazier than Ozzie, more flamboyant and self-absorbed than the Kardashians, and more strident than Elmer Gantry. Yes, I admit it, they are quite entertaining! but so much I wouldn’t love to see them ride off into the sunset leaving us all to breathe a deep sigh of relief.

  8. The unholy alliance between Palin and Fox “noise” has always reminded me the strained alliance between Hitler and Mussolini. I’m just not sure which one is Hitler and which one is Mussolini? What do you guys think?

  9. Palin passes into the after-fame of political pathos…full of hot air (hmm, maybe that’s how she keeps the family warm in winter) and do-nothing results.

    And me? I do a full-Snoopy happy dance. But then, I realize that I am frothing-at-the-mouth irrational about her.

  10. Well, for a time she was the role model for white trailer trash all over ‘Murika.

    Now they can live in that painted-up RV they had the taxpayers buy for her “The Clampets See The Real America” tour…….

  11. Speaking of the Tundra Terd, if you haven’t read Andrew Halcro’s last column, you should. He has taken a new job in Alaska and is no longer writing his blog, but his last article is a doozy. He goes through all the boondoggles in Alaska, most caused by the actions of Palin. You can read it here:

  12. Mudflats had a much more realistic-looking photo & description of Sarah Baby than any the MSM put up w/news of her demise at Fox: “IT’s Splitsville for Palin and Fox” []

    Love this comment from Mr. Briscoe in Juneau:
    “Sarah could be the chief decorator to the housing projects in the Glenn Back Utopia or she could be the Gun Instructor in the Idaho Right Wing Heaven which has been proposed. She could also be a Sunday School Teacher at both places – I can see it now, bible in one hand and an AR 15 in the other.”

  13. Sam in Kyle says:

    Saw some of the tweets that came out when she left FOX. One mentioned that another meth lab would soon start up in Alaska and another was “How’s that FOX change thingy working out for ya Sarah?”

  14. Apparently Fox is dumping the comedy portion of their fair & balanced “news”.

  15. . . . and all of this came out of a cruise to Alaska for “conservatives” meaning the cream of the right-wing nutjobs–Krauthammer, Will, etc., etc., who decided to go visit the Alaska Gov and went all adolescent, teenaged boy at the sight of her. They all thought she was just BRILLIANT! Idiots. But I repeat myself.

  16. Noooooooooooo…not Alaska! Haven’t we suffered enough?

  17. I hope this is going to be one of those painful, ongoing splits where former friends of the couple are forced to pick sides.

  18. Jerry C. If I had to guess I would say Ailes is Hitler and Sarah is Moosalini.

    Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

  19. Sarah Palin is what happens when desperate men think with the wrong brain. What else can we expect from the party that regards women as ornaments, to be trotted out when deemed useful and otherwise kept in the background? What damage to our country Sarah has wrought!

    I felt insulted when I heard that Gramps McCain had picked a “cute hottie” as his running mate, thinking that would win over the disgruntled Hillary fans. I felt really, REALLY insulted when I heard her screech… uh speak. May she fade quickly and quietly (yeah, wishful thinking) into complete oblivion.

  20. Ms. Palin, a woman with a room-temperature IQ, called Nancy Pelosi a “Dingbat” on Faux News. That’s rich.

  21. Hey Luis, I like that, wish I had thought of it first.

  22. @RA, you are exactly right. As soon as I saw her I thought she is just T&A to get the votes. Of course the idiots loved her for a little while. Sorry for the vulgarity.

  23. Still, it pains me to think we might never again see Tina Fey spouting the Half-Gov’s own words on SNL.

  24. @dm, your vulgarity doesn’t even come remotely close to the vulgarity and obscenity of the idea that Palin had any qualifications whatsoever to serve as VP of the USofA.

  25. Elise Von Holten says:

    Sister A,
    Does it have to be an extinct volcano? The only thing worth anything from Ms. Palin is this bit of poetry, other than that, I just want to forget what damage T and A can do when we have so many old men still voting–no offense to the ones who weren’t taken in, but OMG, the idea of that crazy thing near the holocaust button still scares me…
    Gave up my TV years ago, the stupidity that passes for 24 hour news and the sheeple that get caught up in nonsense–I just want to have a two party system that I can respect each side and listen to valid POV from both–a lost American dream..
