And After That, He’ll Sweep the Capitol and Make a Couple of Judicial Rulings

December 20, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look, I know Barack Obama is Da Man.

But, this is kinda ridiculous.  No, not kinda.  Very.  This is very ridiculous.

Here’s the story, the whole story —

(CNN) – House Speaker John Boehner asked President Barack Obama in a letter Tuesday to order the Democratic-led Senate to appoint negotiators to work out a compromise with the Republican-led House on a payroll tax-cut extension.

Boehner, excuse me, but isn’t that YOUR job?  I mean, isn’t working out a compromise part of the majority leader’s job description?

Question, John:  if Barack Obama can order the Senate to do anything, can he order you to cry me a river?  I think so.  I think that’s the freekin’ rules.

What a pimp.  If Boehner wants Obama to do the congress’ job, shouldn’t Boehner resign first?

Somebody get President Obama a robe because I think he needs to do the Supreme Court’s job, too.

Thanks to David for the heads-up.

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