And, After All, Mussolini Made The Trains Run On Time

December 11, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Senator Orin Hatch says that Trump does, too.  No, I am not kidding.

When the retiring Hatch – oh, and thank God for that small favor – was asked if he thinks that Trump committed any crimes …

“No because I don’t think he was involved in crimes but even then, you know, you can make anything a crime under the current laws; if you want to you can blow it way out of proportion you can do a lot of things.”

When told the federal prosecutors were making the allegations, Hatch said: “OK but I don’t care; all I can say is he’s doing a good job as president.”

And by “good job,” I’m pretty sure Hatch means, “Hell, I’m getting richer and there are no scary black people in the White House.  That’s good.”


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0 Comments to “And, After All, Mussolini Made The Trains Run On Time”

  1. Poor Orrin! I can only hope that when I am his age I am not in the throes of do-lally land.

  2. Last night on CNN John Dean made the remark that he and Hatch were about the same age and he thought Hatch might be “slipping” a little.

  3. Linda Phipps says:

    Hatch needs to be reminded that when he bargains with the Devil, Old Scratch ALWAYS gets paid. McConnell needs to be refreshed on that as well.

  4. Linda Phipps, are you saying Old Scratch McConnell isn’t the original? Should be entertaining as the evil ship Dotard45 sinks watching him try to maintain “order” amongst his thin snacilbupeR margin.

    As for ‘orrible ‘atch, he took those missing “H” to solidify his hold on hypocrisy. Only thing ‘slipping’ on him is the once very thin veneer he held over his hypocrisy.

  5. In a response to Hatch’s recent remarks a commenter on Morning Joe said as a Utah voter, going from Hatch to Romney was like going from a Pinto to a Ferrari.

  6. I just have to wonder what one of these old white dudes would say if one of their wives was caught paying money to cover up an affair. Would it be a crime, then?

  7. Buttermilk Sky says:

    “You can make anything a crime under the current laws”? This guy spent decades helping to write the laws, and they’re pretty damn specific about what is a crime and what isn’t. Trump has spent his life flouting the law, while people like Hatch let him get away with it because they benefited in some way. Goodbye, Orrin, and good riddance.

  8. Linda Phipps says:

    Jane and PKM #4 – I forgot that McConnell is Old Scratch, so i looked for another name for the Thing Who Is Waiting For Them: Abaddon—(Hebrew) the destroyer
    Adramalech—Samarian devil
    Ahpuch—Mayan devil
    Ahriman—Mazdean devil
    Amon—Egyptian ram-headed god of life and reproduction
    Apollyon—Greek synonym for Satan, the arch fiend
    Asmodeus—Hebrew devil of sensuality and luxury, originally “creature of judgment”
    Astaroth—Phoenician goddess of lasciviousness, equivalent of Babylonian Ishtar
    Azazel—(Hebrew) taught man to make weapons of war, introduced cosmetics
    Baalberith—Canaanite Lord of the covenant who was later made a devil
    Balaam—Hebrew devil of avarice and greed
    Baphomet—worshipped by the Templars as symbolic of Satan
    Bast—Egyptian goddess of pleasure represented by the cat
    Beelzebub—(Hebrew) Lord of the Flies, taken from symbolism of the scarab
    Behemoth—Hebrew personification of Satan in the form of an elephant
    Beherit—Syriac name for Satan
    Bilé—Celtic god of Hell
    Chemosh—National god of Moabites, later a devil
    Cimeries—Rides a black horse and rules Africa
    Coyote—American Indian devil
    Dagon—Philistine avenging devil of the sea
    Damballa—Haitian Vodou serpent god
    Demogorgon—Greek name of the devil, it is said should not be known to mortals
    Diabolus—(Greek) “flowing downwards”
    Dracula—Romanian name for devil
    Emma-O—Japanese ruler of Hell
    Euronymous—Greek Prince of Death
    Fenriz—son of Loki, depicted as a wolf
    Gorgo—dim. of Demogorgon, Greek name of the devil
    Haborym—Hebrew synonym for Satan
    Hecate—Greek goddess of the underworld and witchcraft
    Ishtar—Babylonian goddess of fertility
    Kali—(Hindu) daughter of Shiva, high priestess of the Thuggees
    Lilith—Hebrew female devil, Adam’s first wife who taught him the ropes
    Loki—Teutonic devil
    Mammon—Aramaic god of wealth and profit
    Mania—Etruscan goddess of Hell
    Mantus—Etruscan god of Hell
    Marduk—god of the city of Babylon
    Mastema—Hebrew synonym for Satan
    Melek Taus—Yezidi devil
    Mephistopheles—(Greek) he who shuns the light, q. v. Faust (Greek)
    Metztli—Aztec goddess of the night
    Mictian—Aztec god of death
    Midgard—son of Loki, depicted as a serpent
    Milcom—Ammonite devil
    Moloch—Phoenician and Canaanite devil
    Mormo—(Greek) King of the Ghouls, consort of Hecate
    Naamah—Hebrew female devil of seduction
    Nergal—Babylonian god of Hades
    Nihasa—American Indian devil
    Nija—Polish god of the underworld
    O-Yama—Japanese name for Satan
    Pan—Greek god of lust, later relegated to devildom
    Pluto—Greek god of the underworld
    Proserpine—Greek queen of the underworld
    Pwcca—Welsh name for Satan
    Rimmon—Syrian devil worshipped at Damascus
    Sabazios—Phrygian origin, identified with Dionysos, snake worship
    Sammael—(Hebrew) “venom of God”
    Samnu—Central Asian devil
    Sedit—American Indian devil
    Sekhmet—Egyptian goddess of vengeance
    Set—Egyptian devil
    Shaitan—Arabic name for Satan
    Shiva—Hindu the destroyer
    Supay—Inca god of the underworld
    T’an-mo—Chinese counterpart to the devil, covetousness, desire
    Tchort—Russian name for Satan, “black god”
    Tezcatlipoca—Aztec god of Hell
    Thamuz—Sumerian god who later was relegated to devildom
    Thoth—Egyptian god of magic
    Tunrida—Scandinavian female devil
    Typhon—Greek personification of Satan
    Yaotzin—Aztec god of Hell
    Yen-lo-Wang—Chinese ruler of Hell

    There’s one for every damned Republican.

  9. That Other Jean says:

    @Texas Trailer Park Trash: Orrin Hatch is 84; John Dean is 80. I agree with John Dean. On the other hand, Jimmy Carter is 94, and smarter than both of them put together.

  10. Hatch speaks Drumphenees!

  11. @8, Linda Phipps, you should watch the “Night Gallery” episode “Professor Peabody’s Last Lecture”.
    Carl Reiner plays Professor Peabody, who reads from an ancient occult text, with the blackboard behind him listing many old names of the debbil, as a huge storm closes in. One of the students he calls on is a geeky Lovecraft. A big lightning bolt and Peabody turns to a creature.
    It’s one of my favorite programs of all. Reiner plays the professor like a wound-up preacherman, it’s hysterical parody.–72)

    14 8d “Professor Peabody’s Last Lecture” Jerrold Freedman Jack Laird November 10, 1971
    A professor (Carl Reiner) gives a lecture on ancient cults that turn out to be real.

  12. **you know, you can make anything a crime under the current laws; if you want to you can blow it way out of proportion you can do a lot of things.**

    OMG, Orin seems to have gone to Trump U. where they teach specialty courses in Trump Grammar. He obviously got his PhD in the subject. And he’s putting his ejumacation to good use, too.

    It’s the, “you can do a lot of things,” that puts it over the top.
