Ancient Chinese Curse: May You Get What You Wish For

July 24, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

I’ve had it with the cries of foul. The cries that exchanging the old man with a young fresh face is so unfair that it must be illegal.

I observed previously that while some Democrats (myself included) were of the opinion that Biden shouldn’t quit, MAGA Republicans held that as a sincere belief. It was a fait accompli: Biden is the target and no one else.

From the linked article:

They’re stuck with Biden. If Biden doesn’t want to go, you can’t drag him out. He’s got the delegates to win.


“President Trump just wins” if Biden steps aside; but [that won’t] happen. “I think President Trump wins either way”.

If you don’t like it when something happens, don’t ask for it.

0 Comments to “Ancient Chinese Curse: May You Get What You Wish For”

  1. barbindc says:

    I have to admit that the stamping of the feet and whinng, “It’s not FAIR!” by the MAGATs is quite schadenfreudelicious. Speaker Moses really seems to be going off the rails.

    I’m enjoying all the flop-sweat they are producing. Meanwhile, Kamala keeps racking up all the dough and volunteers at an unprecedented rate. I certainly feel a whole lot better than I did this time last week, that’s for sure.

  2. The poor widdle MAGAots are getting dragged, kicking and screaming, into the new world of Kamalot*; and they’re hating it, bwahahaha..

    I have a strong feeling that this is going to be a ‘Landside Kamala’ election, and the MAGAots and Trumpanzees are going to be buried alive. Karma’s a bitch…

    * saw that somewhere, it fits

  3. rastybob says:

    So now– its the Prosecutor Vs the Felon, you know the poppy paints, raping, lie ing, old,old, Felon, That is out of his mind.. What a hard choice..

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Love to see the magat cult in full panic mode. The prosecutor will be perfect in building the case against trumpf and vance in public relentlessly, and she doesn’t mince words. Just what the narcissists hate. As much as they’ve both belittled women and minorities, they deserve to have it thrown in their faces.

  5. Full panic mode is right, Steve from Beaverton. Fox News had to cut away from the enthusiastic cheering for Harris yesterday, to the unprepared desk hosts who didn’t know what to say.

    Looks like now when Kamala is elected, Republicans will have no choice but to move to Russia, where their guns will be confiscated at the Moscow airport. How do you say freedom in Russian? You don’t. You better not.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Let’s see, Repugnanticans are questioning jd vance as VP, duh.
    Then, the muskrat is claiming he never committed $45 million per month into a pro trumpf pac. Right elon. And now Tesla profits are down 43% in the latest reporting. Let’s see, did he finally realize he was alienating a major part of his market- democrats? Come on elon, dare you to say something negative about Kamala Harris. Come on you dumb (shit emoji).
    Wonder what Jeff Bezos is thinking of saying now.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    I heard a great comment today, Harris is raising so much money that soon Melania will want to marry her!

  8. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Well, they certainly seem prepared to run against an African American female prosecutor. Why, I’ll be damned, they’ve remembered all the words they need to know.

    Colored? Yep, he said colored.

  9. thatotherjean says:

    I’m with BarbinDC. If you whinge non-stop that Biden should drop out of the race, you really ought to have a plan, in case he does. They got caught flat-footed, with nothin’, and they’re running around with their hair on fire, while Kamala rakes in money and basks in popularity. It’s lovely to watch.

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    My daughter sent me a great picture today I wish I could figure out how to copy it here, so I’ll just describe it.

    Top half is a picture of trumpf after he got nicked on the ear. Below the picture it says “last week he got shot in the ear”

    Below that is a picture of Kamala smiling with a caption that says “this week he got kicked in the”

    My comment- He should be able to relate to that, you know, the guy who said “when you’re famous, you can grab em in the ….y”

  11. @Steve from Beaverton,

    That’s the thing about Bezos, Gates & Buffet: They speak in generalities when it comes to anything political, so as not to affect the bottom lines of their companies. Musk isn’t that smart.

  12. Mr Maxi-Pad is having HUGE, HUGE, HUGE , tantrums because the spotlight has moved .

  13. That’s all they’ve got… simultaneously attacking and playing the victim. It’s not like they’ve got popular ideas to better the country, to run on.

  14. Suzanne Melton says:

    Steve from Beaverton @10

    Is this it? Found it on Twitter:

    Also, this morning I understand the Trump campaign is (suing?) to stop the Biden campaign from transferring cash to the Harris campaign.

  15. Harry Eagar says:

    Speaking of getting what you ask for: American flags burning outside the White House on behalf of Jew-murderers.

    That’s going to play very well in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin . . .

    I lived this movie before (I am the only person you know who has an F.M.B.M. pin) and I didn’t like the outcome in 1972.

  16. I finally figured it out. Hey Half Empty, where did you find a color toddler picture of Marvin Zindler?

  17. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Suzanne, yes!
    Kick him in the nuts!

  18. “More tears have been shed over answered prayers than unanswered.”

    Santa Teresa de Avila
