Anchor Babies Don’t Anchor Crap

August 27, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, here’s the deal:  there is no such thing as anchor babies.

It doesn’t work the way Republicans want you to think it does.  You do not get a home free card because you give birth in the United States.

If you’re born in this country to undocumented immigrants, there’s nothing you can do to help your parents or other family members stay here until you’re 21 years old.

All during that intervening time, the undocumented family members are subject to deportation, and many have been.

Furthermore, the success of the petition to get U.S. green cards relies on the ability of that 21-year-old former “anchor baby” to support his or her family members financially without receiving any welfare or other need-based government assistance for them.

And in order to be eligible for legal status, the undocumented relatives have to return to their home country, and then petition the U.S. for re-entry. If it is determined that they had been living in the U.S. illegally for more than a year, a 10-year wait is imposed on their request to return.

So this anchor is more like a fishing line sinker.

I guess I got all bent out of shape over this yesterday when a Donald Trump supporter yelled at Jorge Ramos, “Get out of my country!”

You know what, this is my country, too.  And it is Jorge Ramos’ country.  He is a United States citizen.  But he’s not white.

If you haven’t seen it ….

It also bothers me that the young woman treats Ramos like a child.  “Do you want to come back in?  You have to be called on,” in her best kindergarten teacher voice.

Is that the way Walter Cronkite would have been treated?  Hell, no.

Jorge Ramos loves conflict and he will confront it without flinching. Donald Trump can dish out conflict but he sure can’t take it.  He’s not man enough to be challenged.

There, I said it.


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