And That’s Why It’s Called Flori-duh – Updated

March 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In case you are falsely laboring under the suspicion that Texas is the only state with batcrap crazzzzy Republicans, pull up a chair, have a seat, and prepare yourself for something so grotesquely insane that it deserves some real special kind of award.

Greg Brannon is the frontrunner in the Florida GOP primary for Senate.  I think he figures that Ted Cruz has made psychotic acceptable in the Senate.

images-1According to North Carolina GOP Senate candidate Greg Brannon, Planned Parenthood has a secret plan to legalize the killing of newborn babies as old as three months. Brannon, a Rand Paul-backed obstetrician who is a front-runner for the GOP nomination, made the allegations at a November fundraiser for Hand of Hope, a chain of crisis pregnancy centers he operates in North Carolina.

And why would women kill their new born babies?

Evolution.  Seriously.  Evolution and nihilism.

In the same speech, Brannon said women get abortions because of the same nihilistic worldview that causes them to believe in evolution. “We have people who believe they evolve from nothing, they came from nothing, they’ll go to nothing, and today doesn’t matter, so when they have a mistake, why not move on?” he said.

Holy crap on a highchair, I wanna meet this guy’s mother.  She must be a doozy.

Nihilistic world view?  To quote the famous philosopher Walter Sobchak: “Nihilists! F*^# me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.”

And now you know why they are called Looneytarians.

UPDATE:  customers corrected my misreading.  It’s North Carolina, not Florida.  Screw ‘um both – neither state is worth keeping.

Thanks to Sandi for the heads up.



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0 Comments to “And That’s Why It’s Called Flori-duh – Updated”

  1. Kay Carrasco says:

    Gawd. But it’s not FloriDUH. It’s North Carolina. (To me, worse. My kids live there!!) Though it certainly could’ve originated in Florida, they’re entirely crazy enough. ‘Cept… who knew sh*t flowed upstream?!

  2. I think that this guy is running in North Carolina.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    As a brilliant philosopher once shared, “F the ineffable.” Can’t credit the individual, as it was graffiti on a restroom wall, but none the less appropriate to describe the gohmerts.

    Think you are on to something, when you state they lay awake at night dreaming up gohmerts to drive us crazy.

    “Evolve from nothing” is quite the revelation about this gohmert’s understanding of evolution. Brannon must have received his obstetrics license from the same place Rand Paul received his ophthalmology license, Randy’s Free House of Dominion Design and Jump the Shark Logic.

  4. Well, there is that “Ashes to ashes” “Dust to Dust” thing.

    Please….. don’t give these people credit for “thinking”.

    They don’t.

  5. daChipster says:

    What about the GOP’s actual not-so-secret plan to slowly starve kids of every age? To sicken them with air pollutants? To blow them up with unregulated fertilizer plants? To poison them with chemicals from “Freedom” Industries? To shoot them dead over, and over, and over, and over, and over again with unfettered gun rights? To drown, freeze, broil, bury or crush them in climate-“hoax”-related weather events? To kill them by disease without adequate medical coverage?

    For every cross these bozos want to put up to commemorate missing zygotes, I can put up 5 for actual kids with names who are no longer here.

    And I can point fingers right at their murderers.

  6. Teh Gerg says:

    There have always been sociopaths and psychopaths? Why have so many been elected?

  7. Mike Behrent says:

    Planned Parenthood should haul Brannon into court and demand he show proof. If he fails to provide substantive proof of his claim sue him into abject poverty and dumpster living.

  8. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Yep, You are having a good day whenever you quote Walter Sobchak.

  9. Walter Sobchak’s bowling ball had more sense than this guy.

  10. Corinne Sabo says:

    This guy is an obstetrician? Does he have any patients?

  11. Gawd! What some people will do for 15 minutes of fame/ shame! Makes me glad I took a psych degree in grad school. Now I get to use one of those fabulously fancy terms I learned for diagnostics. “He be crazy.”
    I would bet the loose change in my pocket that he is already on somebody’s watch list, right next to the names of all those guys who think its perfectly sane and right to shoot who ever they think is an eminent danger, whether the target is in their own kitchen or in church. This jackwagon has more in common with “Honor” killers than anyone else I know. Boy! Would that blow his righteous Xian little mind to know that!

  12. Where do the Republican/Teabaggers find all these Mad Doctors? Are they combing the malpractice lists for the losers?

  13. maryelle says:

    Just finished watching Robert Reich’s film,
    “Inequality for All”. That diminutive former Secretary of labor has more wisdom in his little finger than all of the right wing wannabes.
    The tea baggers are the true nihilists, having tried to destroy the government’s ability to function at all, yet they jump on the “war on women” bandwagon with gusto.
    And Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson shot down the
    “fair and balanced crowd” by telling Stephen Colbert that the science is in on evolution and global warming. It is true, whether or not they choose to believe it.

  14. Love, love, love your reference to The Big Lebowski. Well worth a review, helps if you’re doing the herb, makes it ever so much more fun.

  15. Old Fart says:

    Well, THIS guy helps support the theory of DEvolution!

    Seriously, living breathing humans *agree* with this twaddle?

  16. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    montag, you raise a great question. Our latest WTG is Dr Ben Carson, neurosurgeon. Unlike Rand Paul and the Brandon flakes of Cracker Jacks accreditation, this man was leading edge in his time, a seriously brilliant surgeon. But his politics and religion? Holy Gohmerts! The cognitive dissonance screams volumes.

    For real, the GOP is “dog whistle?” No, the current GOP is full bull horn 60s Bull Connor wacko racists. As hard as I try, I cannot imagine why any person, much less a member of any minority would be a part of the Rethug assault on the social contract.

  17. Cindy Mac says:

    What happened to sane folk running for office? Seems like a majority of people running are tinfoil hat nut bags. I guess normal, intelligent, sane people want nothing to do with politics.

  18. Marge Wood says:

    Tea Party enthusiast Greg Brannon, a senate candidate in North Carolina’s Republican primary, was endorsed by the Koch brothers’ Tea Party group FreedomWorks, on Tuesday

    Note who’s backing him. I wonder what THEIR views are on three month old babies.

  19. If this jackwagon is indeed a frontrunner and now has Koch money behind him, he is quite likely to become a US senator. How did we get to the point where zealots can say any damn thing that comes into their warped heads, spout any libelous garbage, and get voted into a position of influence? He’s exactly the kind of moron who the GOP would put on a science or health committee.

    How, HOW, did this happen?

  20. I can’t believe that the Koch brothers have signed on to his campaign with the rhetoric that Bannon is spouting! It definitely sounds like they are losing it also, too!

  21. VeeGee in VT says:

    @Rhea, how it happened is obscene amounts of money buying elections. The Kochs see value in keeping the electorate stoopid and funding candidates who will advance their agenda. We need to overturn Citizens United. Pretty simple, eh?

  22. I’m at a loss for words. This is rare, but it does happen.

  23. Pollytiques says:

    Y’all please give the real people of NC a break. As is my habit every time I see some nutjob/and or crook I try to look them up. This particular one claims to have 20,000 patients..or has had over the years. He is being sued by a couple of investors for some kind scheme where he got their money and they didnt even get a T-Shirt. Like most conservatives I have known, their attitude is, anything goes if you sprinkle God on it. It is a test. If the suckers “give” you their money God intended you to have it or he wouldn’t have made them so stupid.

    But here is the biggy. And happens the majority of the time. He moved here from L.A. Jesse helms was his hero. See where he got his ideas?

  24. SteveTheReturned says:

    Prove it, Mr. Brannon. Immediately. Definitively. Prove it.

  25. You know, we’ve always had people like this running around coming up with insane conspiracy theories. But I can’t remember a time when we had so many of them in public office. I hope this one doesn’t get elected to anything, but there are so many others already in place.

  26. Elise Von Holten says:

    The reason sane people are having such a hard time is that in the political space today, the level of money needed to run is unbelievable, and the personalities that are generally attracted are usually very narcissistic, and sometimes sociopathic.
    Because of their sickness (think “family values and Newt) the dissonance isn’t dissonance to them, it’s truth. They are scary because the realities we (healthier) people work off of called (facts and truths) consensual do NOT enter in, “I know it, I believe it, my mind is made up, and anger follows…it might be “fun” to watch in entertainers but is scarier than anything in rulers.
    Mad kings come to mind…and the wealthy are so self-centric, it’s might makes right, they are our new kings with private army’s and control of media….our belief in the printed word, and the idea that “fair and balanced” is even possible is taking us down.
    I think of all the power arrayed against a single person running for anything and all the factions that are primed to destroy–which church, what about abortion, are you gay? So many death (to the contest) dealing things that have nothing to do with the job.
    And we as thinkers are easily thrown off track BECAUSE we are not single minded, my candidate–right or wrong! We look at “on the other hand” far to much and quarrel amongst ourselves…our biggest problem, because a point in every direction is no point at all…and including everything in a viewpoint is impossible.
