American Exceptionalism Redefined

November 07, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

American Exceptionalism may be defined as the perception or belief that Americans live in a unique society that is exceptional, unusual, or extraordinary.

It usually carries a positive connotation that suggests the moral, ethical, intellectual, and economic superiority of America as a whole.

Obviously, we need a new definition if we are to consider the reaction of some Americans as well as other nations to our recent presidential election result. Two points to consider.

First, we need to reconsider the oft-repeated phrase “this is not who we are.” It depends on what you mean by “we.” If the “we” means “me” or, more probably, “us,” then that’s fine if the “us” is you and your like-minded cohorts.

But if “us” refers to the US, then maybe a rethink is in order. A majority of Americans just elected a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist to our highest office. That’s new and different. Some would say, exceptional.

Second, we should realize that, as a nation, we look like Rubes. A Rube is defined as “an awkward unsophisticated person or a naive or inexperienced person.” Short for Reuben, Rube refers to an uneducated and gullible country bumpkin. Rubes accept lies as fact and are even capable of concocting their own facts. You may not count yourself among them, but our overseas friends, enemies, and allies can and most certainly do.

As a people and as a society, America is exceptional. Just not the way we think it is. As a nation with 340 million viewpoints, this is exactly who we are.

0 Comments to “American Exceptionalism Redefined”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    MAGA- Merikan apathy got authoritarian.
    Very low voter turnout around here (Oregon). What the hell? Not very exceptional.

  2. slipstream says:

    The USA screwed itself over royally in this election.

  3. Joyce Pieritz says:

    Yep – that is who we – or a majority of us –
    are. The result of years of not really educating kids, substituting entertainment for in depth discussion of issues and letting the republicans and religious right control so much of the airwaves. I’m glad I won’t be here in 25 years (I’m 75 now) but fear for my granddaughters and great-granddaughters

  4. Opinionated Hussy says:

    “anoesis” (noun) – The reception of impressions or sensations (by the brain) without any intellectual understanding.

    We have just observed the election of a president by voters ‘informed’ only by anoesis.

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    Many of his voters commented that they wanted a better economy. What they mean is they are tired of just getting by. What they don’t realize is that our GOP overlords have spent time and effort degrading our public schools, making us less healthy and making sure we pay for their tax cuts. The GOP has created this caste system and they don’t want people to leave, so they promise the world but deliver squat.

  6. I’ve always thought “American Exceptionalism” was wrong. It signaled that we, as a people, considered ourselves better, smarter and more worthy than others. It isn’t so, and we prove it over and over again. This was just a more graphic demonstration of how wrong that concept is.

  7. The USA has surely devolved into a shithole country now. There will be virtually no way out of it.
    Y’all can plainly see that Comrade Donnei is setting up a super-nepotistic dynasty (emphasis on the ‘nasty’).
    The Rethuglikkkan Party is perfectly happy with this new despotic regime.
    They know that they will still hold the reins of power, silently and in the background, while Donnei and his spawn front the operation.

    2024 was the last free and fair? election that we will have going forward…
    Dear Leader Donnei, and sooner or later, his revolting offspring, will be hereditary autocrats henceforth.

  8. Harry Eagar says:

    The United States government stopped being anti-fascist at noon on April 12, 1945. It did not become pro-fascist until June 1950.

    It was delusional to think that fascism, would not eventually be reimported.

    Herewith, a partial list of nations where the US actively supported fascism: Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Chile, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Iraq, Republic of China, South Korea, Philippines . . .

  9. thatotherjean says:

    We certainly proved that we are exceptional this election—exceptionally stupid.

  10. Not just stupid, but hate-filled morons.
