America, I Love Yew. I Do.

February 16, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Where else in the world except America can a crazy person stand in front of a United States Post Office and say insane things?

Juanita went to the post office today to mail business cards to those of you who requested them and met a man who stopped people going into the post office to tell them, “Democrats are going to help us impeach Obama.”

Not the hell on Juanita’s watch.  “Dang fool LaRouchers,” Juanita proclaims.

So here’s the nutty guy who has set up shop to campaign for Kesha Rogers for Congress in front of the stinkin’ post office.

And he’s got his office set up on the side by the parking lot —

So, here’s the plan.  Verdelia is retired.  It is not wise to hack-off retired people.  Verdelia is making a big sign tonight that says “TALK TO A CRAZY DUDE.  25 CENTS” and is going to stand next to him all day tomorrow.  Hey, it doesn’t hurt to raise a little money.  And, any time he talks to her, she will answer in Czech.

Oh, this is gonna be good.

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