America First (Again)

July 16, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Watching the formation of a new “America First” movement has become a hobby of mine that admittedly hooked me when I first listened to the Maddow podcast “Ultra,” now in its second season. I recently posted a small sample of the Dr. Seuss campaign against the pro-NAZI America First movement a while back, and I will post more today and maybe more in the future.

In the 1930’s and 1940s, the America First Movement was an isolationist campaign that was aided and abetted by pro-fascist influencers who saw the US entry into WW2 as a threat to their cause. They were, fortunately, very bad at painting NAZIism in a benign light.

More recently, TFG himself adopted the “America First” position in the run-up to the 2016 election:

America first will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.

And now, with his nomination to be TFG’s Veep, “America First” has a new spokesmodel in JD Vance. Speaking to current Danbury Federal Prison resident Steve Bannon on his podcast in April 2022, we have this quote from ol’ JD:

I gotta to be honest with you, I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another.

Stirring words that should tug at the heartstrings of pro-Putin neofascists everywhere.

Similar words were uttered by another famous American of note: The Lone Eagle, Lucky Lindy, Slim… you know Charles Lindbergh. He said this:

I have been forced to the conclusion that we cannot win this war for England regardless of how much assistance we send. That is why the America First Committee has been formed.

And the rest is history.

0 Comments to “America First (Again)”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Elon Musk to give trumpf super pac $45 million per month. Was never going to buy one of his cars and I hope no Democrat does. What a hypocrite.

  2. Well, hell’s bells! After what happened in Butler County I kinda figured that we would be in for a spate of good old whacko-ism between now and election day. It would stretch from “omygod” to “run for the northern border”. Or as someone I know has said, ther shooter wasn’t the only R that wanted tRump dead.

    As for R Loonyvillians, Musk is what happens when you eat your own money. As for his announcement of zillions per month till the election, it should be well known that he has had to recall any number of Teslas for one reason or another and his luck with his own people, from the executive level to blue collar has not been that good. This truth should make his pronouncement look as loony as it sounds. All I can say is “Strap on your seatbelts. Its going to be a crazy ride.”

  3. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Thank you for these great reminders that America once had an intelligent counter-narrative that used humor pointedly. If only
    Biden and the Democrats did!

    In other news: I believe we will need new chants to use to drown out New Right speakers and I offer the following as one example you can spread at your leisure:

    JD Vance, JD Vance, Why is there a fire in Fat Donny’s pants?

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’m sure Peter Navarro will be all unity, unity, unity. How many felons can you have at one convention? Maybe they’ll let Bannon out to attend and Jan 6 insurrectionists who’s charges are being dropped.

  5. Harry Eagar says:

    Navarro is not a felon, merely a misdemeanant,

    In other news, though, Michelle Fiore — remember her? — has been indicted for plundering a charity. She should get a speaker’s slot.

  6. Thanks for the history lesson Half Empty. The WW2 version of America First was proven wrong, our country forgot, Lindbergh is still a hero, and now the circle comes ‘round with Trump & his flyboy Musk.

    When history is an embarrassment it doesn’t get taught.

  7. Just recalled that Joseph Kennedy, the sire of the 9 little K’s, also agreed with the aviator, which was one good reason why his stint as Ambassador in Great Britain was such a short stay.
