Allen West Resigns as Head of TX GOP to.. run for Governor?
The Texas Tribune is reporting that Georgia native Allen West is resigning from his position as the head of the Texas GOP and “can’t rule out” a run for statewide office.
West declined to say whether he was eyeing any particular statewide office, though he told a radio host earlier Friday morning that the host was “safe” to assume West was mulling a gubernatorial run.
It is one of my grandest dreams to see Greg Abbott, Don Huffines, and Allen West duke it out in a primary. It could only get better if Alex Jones threw his hat in the ring. Huffines has already started running for governor and is promising to build the wall, eliminate property taxes completely, and “secure our elections” by which he likely means that he will outlaw Democrats from voting or something along those lines.
Greg Abbott is already trying to appeal to evangelicals by threatening to take licenses away from any childcare agencies that house unaccompanied minors. He’s going to defund the Texas legislature, because why not? Forget the wall, he’s just going to arrest everyone that crosses the border – I hope he doesn’t arrest the guy that brings us the avocados or tequila from Mexico.
I want these three men to out-crazy each other for about six months while Beto O’Rourke sits back and spends time registering Democrats to vote in a post-Trump post-COVID economy. Beto could win with a candidate worse than Ted Cruz. A candidate so bad that it doesn’t matter that Beto said “Hell Yeah” about taking away guns.
That candidate is Allen “I am the modern-day Harriet Tubman” West.
At the very least, it will be an entertaining election season.