Allen, Texas

May 06, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Allen, Texas, is a Dallas suburb. Here is the gun used.


The shooter was a white male.

That’s all I know at 8:30 pm.


0 Comments to “Allen, Texas”

  1. Katherine Williams says:

    How soon till Governor Abbott signs a bill making it harder to vote? He knows what is really dangerous. /s

  2. In this country of ours, it’s become unsafe to go to a mall, a movie, a grocery store, a concert, a church, to be a student or a teacher in a school. I probably should add just being at home is risky, too.

    It’s going keep happening. Every time, it’s someone else’s school, it’s someone else’s community or town. Until one day you wake up and it isn’t. It’s you or someone in your family that has been injured or killed by gun violence.

    The GOP has loaded the country with weapons of war and then they act all surprised that unhinged people use them for evil. Are these Republicans the most demented scumbags ever, or what?

  3. Tex-A$$ .

  4. Sandridge says:

    Lotsa ‘tots ‘n pears’ bullshit from the Rethugs, as if that crap has ever accomplished a damn thing.

    Just another day in Texinsanity, at least 8 dead, 7 maimed at an Allen mall. Come on Abbutt, let’s have yet another effing “Thoughts and Prayers” moment…:

    [And I can see the lights of Sutherland Springs in the night sky. But not now: Some serious lightning hitting all around– Lightning Closest Strike 1 mi 05/07/2023 07:31 Total Strikes 278; actually the count is much higher per my other detector, 700+]

  5. Sandridge says:

    Still going : Lightning Closest Strike 1 mi 05/07/2023 07:46 Total Strikes 359++.

  6. “Heidi and I are praying”. 5/6/23

    Heidi and I are praying for the families of the victims of the horrific mall shooting in Allen, Texas.
    We pray also for the broader Collin County community that’s in shock from this tragedy.
    – Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) May 7, 2023

    Heidi and I are praying for the entire Nashville community right now. May God’s comfort be with the Covenant School in the wake of this evil atrocity.
    – Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 27, 2023

    Heidi and I are praying for the entire Arlington, TX Lamar High School community in the wake of the shooting that took place this morning.

    Heidi and I are praying for the victims & loved ones impacted by the horrific shooting in Colorado Springs. This senseless evil needs to end.

    – Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) November 20, 2022
    Heidi and I are praying for those at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville and for the SWAT team and all other law enforcement on the scene responding.

    A horrific shooting took place this morning at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh as Jews were gathered during Shabbat services.
    Heidi and I are praying for the victims and their families, the entire Jewish community in Pittsburgh, and our brave members of law enforcement.
    – Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 27, 2018

    (Nat. Zero)

  7. Texas has enacted numerous laws to make carrying a gun easier. Plainly Texas’ gun laws aren’t working. It’s time to mandate universal carry, with hefty fines and loss of voting rights for being unarmed within the State of Texas.

  8. Only if Ken Paxton’s best friend (does he have any?) was hurt will this make a difference.

  9. Too bad that it isn’t Republicans that are getting shot. I’d have no sympathy for them.

  10. The Surly Professor says:

    AK Lynne @6: … and we know that Rafael Cruz never actually prays, because he is his own god. Remember during his campaign when he had a video made of him and his family holding hands and praying at the dinner table? And since he screwed up, they had to make 2-3 takes? Does anyone else actually communicate with God and then say “oops, hold on, let’s start over”? It’s all performance art.

    The waft of hypocrisy and self-righteousness from him is like the smell of I-35W from Fort Worth to Denton in the spring: the waves from dead skunks are almost continuous.

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Jeff Tiedrich says it better than I can:

    I’ll just add that all abbutt could muster up to say was “unspeakable tragedy.” In other words, he has nothing to say, and expects his magat followers to follow his leadershit.

  12. AK Lynne @ #6:

    Either God doesn’t listen to Cruz, or Cruz is a slow learner. Maybe both.

  13. Harry Eagar says:

    Man, that press conference at around 9:30 last night was a keeper. Never in the field of human conflict have so many said so little to so many.

  14. RepubAnon says:

    Republicans think they can only win elections if they keep getting NRA money, and pray that they rest of us don’t get angry enough to vote against them.

  15. Grandma Ada says:

    Well, at least they died before having to endure a drag queen story hour or be exposed to a book at the library. Seriously, when to we get mad enough about guns to get rid of them?

  16. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And now this in Texas:

    I’m sure abbutt will have some of his profound leadersht comments about this too. Fled, too.

  17. Katherine says:

    I think it’s time to start showing the crimes scenes and the bodies. And if you can’t ban the sale of weapons of war, why can’t we require liability insurance? You can’t drive a motor vehicle without one. Thoughts anyone?

  18. BFSMan says:

    A white male. Check. An AR-15. Check. The two necessary ingredients for yet another round of thoughts and prayers from our Repugnant ruling class.

    Dear Leader Abbott says we need to do something about our mental health crisis. Yes, until we have to do something like raise the taxes to support doing that thing, then it’s that’s not what I meant. What I meant was that we need to put god back in our schools. That’ll do it.

    The problem with the good guy with a gun defense is that you don’t know if he’s a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun until he starts mowing people down. Then you know.

    Every f’ing one of these bozos thinks he’s some kind of hero by simple virtue of the fact that he’s packing. And no raving loon is going to get by him, by gum. He never thinks to look in a mirror to see a real, live raving loon.

    That these people exist is bad enough. That we elect them to high office is the real senseless evil. God bless Texas.

  19. Sandridge says:

    In Brownsville, TX, it looks like a Hispanic RWNJ [yes, there are lots of them around, y’all’s counting on the Hispanics to be solid Democrats are totally delusional], who was hating on recent border crossers, ran into a bunch of them waiting at a bus stop and killed ~9, maiming a bunch more.
    Happened just north of the Brownsville airport off Boca Chica Blvd [I’m quite familiar with the area, being from the Valley, and the ex grew up a couple of miles away].

    The perp was apparently driving a recent vintage Range Rover Sport model SUV, a fairly expensive vehicle, in one of the poorest cities in the country.

    This probably won’t get near the media coverage of a mass shooting incident invoking non-border dwellers, but any vehicle is potentially a deadly weapon in the right setting, perhaps more so than most firearms..

  20. Old Fart says:

    i read this following reading the post about the House Bill 1147. The snide part of me was going “maybe they had some of those advanced trauma trained kids at the mall”.

    I am disgusted I even had the thought because it *could* happen.

    It’s part of the reason I won’t comment with some kind of “in kind” threat when attacked for my comments; they freak out about the confirmation of how threatening leftists are. I constantly feel the weenies who support unlimited firearms rights are total hypocrites in how their “rights” (right to be offensive, right to slander) don’t include the right to be respectful as one would wish to be treated. But I do hope they can recover from their all consuming fears just long enough to realize there is a different way, the one where empathy can lead to a better life for everyone. That shooter is a product of his environment, he wasn’t born that way. And now he has unmade others in that image.

    God help us all.

  21. weakgrip says:

    It is time for President Biden to sign an executive order to fly all US flags at half-staff until something is done by congress.

  22. slipstream says:

    Quoting Bob Dylan, slipstream is:

    Yes, and how many deaths will it take ’til he knows
    That too many people have died?

  23. maggie says:

    Its really, really getting to me. Every time one occurs I think I can’t stand this! Not another one! What really ticks me off is the prayers and thoughts jazz. They are blatantly insufficient unless joined by the hard work of getting rid of the favorite “toy” of anyone with a grievance of any sort or quality. Inasmuch as at least half the population of the country have mental issues, it would seem honest to make sure they never get anywhere near a firearm of any sort. That not only means lock up the hardware but lock up the factories that make them. Yikes! But, hey lady, thats called restraint of trade and the producers can sue. OK. Then raise the across the counter cost of the ammo so high you have to sell a family member. Have also just found out that a homeowners insurance policy can cover weapons just as it covers other items in the home. Could the insurance industry finally do something positive to keep firearms out of reach?

  24. The Surly Professor says:

    Katherine @ 18: I agree about requiring insurance to own a gun. It would have to be a national law obviously. But our reps have blocked CDC from tracking gun violence as a health issue, and have explicitly protected the gun industry from any legal liability. So we’ll probably have to wait for the current oldest generation to die off and the kids who are spending their school years in active shooter drills to become voters.

  25. This thought scares the hell out of me:

    Deranged men out there plotting a maximum casualty event on the scale of Vegas.

    They’re out there. It’s not a matter of if, but when.

  26. Sandridge says:

    BTW, the accompanying photo above showing the shooters weapon also shows part of his dead body. It’s a crop of a photo from a news story that shows most of the scene where the sonuvabitch was killed [ca find the link right now].
