All Your Holiday Decorating Problems Solved

November 19, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I admit it.  Twitter is having a lot of fun.

Ivanka Trump’s lifestyle business has some Thanksgiving decorating suggestions.


Nothing says Thanksgiving like an enormous clam, dirt and sticks from the yard, and very pale squash things that look a little like toy pumpkins.  Apparently, the white people are having white pumpkins for Thanksgiving dinner.

Here’s the link on how to build the damn thing. However, if I am invited to your house for Thanksgiving and that’s in the center of the table, I am taking my string beans and jello salad and I’m going home.

The folks at Twitter felt much the same.


There’s more at Huff Post.

Or, better yet, check out Twitter.

Thanks to Lynn for the heads up.

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