All Things Texas

November 05, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you’re anxiously awaiting election results, I have some Texas things to entertain you with.  You people from foreign states have no idea about the mess Republicans have gotten us into.  Here’s a few characters for you to get to know before election night.

Y’all Know Sid Miller?  He’s the Ag Commissioner.

Y’all Know Ken Paxton?  He’s the indicted attorney general.

Y’all Know Dan Patrick? We don’t know what he is.

Have fun getting to know Texas.

Thanks to Foresight for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “All Things Texas”

  1. SteveTheReturned says:

    I swear I’d rather have my fingernails wrenched out than open up any of those attachments. Those three alleged human beings have contributed to such an abasement of Texas politics—and Texas politics wasn’t anything to brag about, before these scumbags came along. I’d like to believe there are enough smart people in Texas to turn these guys out of office…but at this stage of the game I won’t bet any money on it.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    That’s only three. Where’s Abbott and the final (please) shrub, George P.? Texas, your politics has more varmints popping up than prairie dogs.

    Redeem yourselves tomorrow. Kick out Teddie Crooze. Heard Pete Sessions is down 3-4 points. Keep up the good work, Texas. Vote!

  3. And then there’s Louie Gohmert. Whenever anybody anywhere refers to “the stupidest man in Congress,” I know which name is coming next. He’s known for it far and wide. And I suppose he’s going to be re-elected by the same clueless East Texans who shoved him at us in the first place. Either they don’t pay any attention to what he’s saying up here or they agree with him. Either way they’re idiots.

  4. That Other Jean says:

    Man, when Screwy Louie Gohmert is the least of your problems, Texas is messed up. Please, Texas, throw the Republicans out and elect some people who can start fixing the mess you’re in. Turn Texas Blue Tomorrow!

  5. I’ve said it before, but is still true. I live in New Mexico near three foreign countries: Mexico, Arizona and Texas

  6. Marjorie Wood says:

    A former senator, I think, don’t quote me in court, but I KNOW this, John Warner, a GOP, announced that EVERYONE should vote Democrat. Ditto George Will. Of course Tayuksins are Takuysins first and everything else comes second. Well, money is big with lots of ’em too. So they generally do what they want to do. I just hope they vote for Beto and that he takes a coupla days to sleep and eat before he takes on a new project.
