All Things Considering

January 30, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Welp, it appears that now Chris Sununu (the Son of a John)  is “considering” running for President against TFG in the GOP primary.  He joins a long list of people also considering but too poopie del pollo to announce.

Actually, it’s more of an announcement that they’re praying that TFG crosses the Jordan River and they want to be ready to pounce.  There is not a one of them with a lick of courage or even a political foundation of ideals or goals.

But, Sununu stands out among the crowd with his campaign slogan.

GOP Gov. Chris Sununu of New Hampshire said Sunday he is considering a White House bid in 2024, citing the Granite State’s “live free or die” spirit as a model for the Republican Party.

Holy damn cow.  The guy wants a civil war.  That is just bone chilling for a fluffy little rich white boy who didn’t even join the Boy Scouts because pocket knives were involved.

Sununu is trying to run as a moderate Republican in the Rockefeller-style but describes himself as “a Trump guy through and through.”   He vetoed a bill outlawing carrying guns on a school campus.  He voted for Trump. He’s flipped on abortion rights so many times that they have menu items named after him at The Pancake House.

So, anyway, I want to announce that I’m considering doing a whole lot of stuff but prancing around announcing that I am lining up on death watch to continue Trump’s legacy, you know, just in case he dies ain’t one of them. And apparently that’s real hard to do.


0 Comments to “All Things Considering”

  1. Since the Orange Moron is the only one with an actual base in the Gang of Perverts, it’s gonna be a repeat of 2016 if enough of these fools run in the primaries. Those primaries are “first past the tape” and he will have more votes than the other dozen or so running. Unless, of course, he is indicted, tried, convicted and jailed by the time actual voting starts. Otherwise, he is a shoo-in.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Chris Su … who?!? Lordy all the second stringers are in open revolt. Seriously. Who is Abbott outside of Texas? Or who is De Santis outside of Floriduh? Then again, TFG was hated in New York yet the media pulled his sorry carcass into the national arena with a boost from old Mort Blackwell. Lordy. Next time we clean out a stall place an “R” tag on it and that heap could run in the GOP primary.

  3. Harry Eagar says:

    I watched part of trump’s speech in SC. It is an actual, true historical fact that I got more applause than that when I addressed the Hawaii State Association of Wastewater Engineers.

    Neverthe-dog-boned-less, trump will romp in the primaries.

    Did you notice his cheeks? He’s cut waaay down on the hamberders. He’s ready.

  4. When we visit it with the kids, we drive through NH.
    Pretty state, but I wouldn’t want to live there.

    His father was C of Staff under G HW Bush.
    Wonder why he doesn’t want to run as a Bush – style Republican…..
    That’s right dad had to resign from that post.

  5. The only river the Rufous Ratbastard will ever cross is the River Styx, and Charon will pilot one of his longest slowest trips ever [we’re all hoping ASAP].
    But as long as Ratbastard keeps breathing, the stygian GQP mobs will pick his sorry ass over the other SOBs without a doubt.

    And Rufous stands a damned good chance of beating Joe Biden [it’s not so much Biden’s fault as it’s so much stacked against [any] Democrat by the media, etc].
    That’s how thoroughly mucked up ‘Murikan politics are.


  6. So last week, Will Hurd, late a republican congress critter from San Antonio, blinked when, in his desire to be president, he was confronted with the fact that he’d have to face off with TFG up in New Hampshire. Now why would anybody vote for a presidential candidate who might have to face off with the likes of a Putin, and he’s not even willing to exchange vile insults with a proven bully? Not exactly a profile in courage.

  7. The more republican POTUS primary candidates the easier for TFG to win.

  8. The Sununus, father and son, have a very rough rerputation when it comes to empathy, sympathy and any other pathy you can think of. Maybe its because Sununu is translated as “yellow bird” and they have been trying to put on a tough guy act for decades.

  9. Someone snapped a photo of Trump standing, waiting, on his two city campaign sweep.

    Hunched forward, both arms hanging like beef in a meat locker, fat and muscle, but no longer conected to brain or spinal cord control. He had the posture of Bigfoot, but with no indication that forward momentum was possible. I’d bet Bigfoot could handily defeat Trump on the debate stage, even if Bigfoot couldn’t speak English. Bigfoot just looks more presidential.

    Kudos to the first Republican to stick a fork in Trump.

  10. The Extremists Have Landed!
    by Lex

    Parts (6): Narrators 1-6
    NARRATOR 1: The Extremists have landed!
    NARRATOR 2: It’s distressing, but they’re here.
    NARRATOR 3: They piloted their bigoted Hate
    NARRATOR 4: through our MSM atmosphere.
    NARRATOR 5: They landed like a meteor
    NARRATOR 6: spewing their lies and blame.
    NARRATOR 1: Then out they climbed immersed in slime
    NARRATOR 2: and burbled as they came.
    NARRATOR 3: Their hands are greasy tentacles.
    NARRATOR 4: Their heads are weird machines.
    NARRATOR 5: Their bodies look like Chris Sununu
    NARRATOR 6: and smell like dead sardines.
    NARRATOR 1: Their blood is liquid racism.
    NARRATOR 2: Their eyes are made of granite.
    NARRATOR 3: Their breath exudes the stench
    of greed from some unearthly planet.
    NARRATOR 4: And if you want to see these
    sickly, unattractive creatures,
    NARRATOR 5: you’ll find them working in
    your school;
    NARRATOR 6: they all got jobs as politicians and teachers so don’t y’all be fooled!

  11. The Surly Professor says:

    Sandridge @ 5: traditionally folks will put a penny on each eye of the corpse, as fare for the trip across the Styx. Now honestly, can you see *anyone* willing to waste 2 cents on T****’s bloated corpse? Even his children would balk at such a waste of money. They’d probably look at each other and pretend to turn their pockets out searching for coins.

    On the other hand, anyone given the concession to charge $20 a whizz for people to relieve themselves on him will end up a genuine billionaire.
