All the Red Lights are Flashing
While we sit here tonight, Elon Musk is in the process of executing a coup against the US government. As we’ve been discussing, his hackers have taken over computer systems in Office of Personnel Management, USAID, and the US Treasury. He’s also in the process of taking over other agencies. Musk has already announced that he’s cancelling USAID and newly minted secretary of state Marco Rubio has declared himself “acting director” of USAID. Employees at USAID and Treasury who attempted to protect the integrity of the systems have either been fired of put on administrative leave, and the acting US attorney in DC, Ed Martin, is now threatening criminal prosecution of all federal employees resisting Musk’s illegal takeover.
Folks, this is the very definition of a coup against the government of the United States. It’s also espionage, which is a federal felony. We have one private individual taking personal control of government agencies, announcing what will stay and what will go, even which bills the government will pay. He now has access to the private personal and financial information of millions of Americans, including you. Career civil servants are being fired and threatened, and some are choosing just to walk away. This is happening under Trump’s acquiesence, which is an impeachable offense. AGAIN.
The Congress, of course, is doing nothing but talk. To be clear, Republicans aren’t doing shit and not even talking. This is a major crisis, and ALL THE RED LIGHTS ARE FLASHING.
Pardon my locker room language, but the fucking mainstream media sits with their thumbs up their ass and feet in their mouths. Same for congress and the justice system. This is a police state now run by musk and other trumpF sycophants.
1The world’s dictators must be laughing hysterically at us.
All the world’s dictators laughing hysterically except for Putin who is absolutely puffed up with joy. America destroyed from the inside without a shot being fired.
2Steve, yup.
3I’ve been purty silent here lately. But I’m gonna put something out there that may or may not make sense.
Or be coherent.
The reason red lights aren’t flashing in the media is because the coordinated effort to paint any federal agency, program or policy as overreachingly invasive, evil, or UnAmerican is so ingrained in so many folks that grover fuckin norquist sees his own face on Mt Rushmore.
And the idea of Government agencies ceasing to function can’t be fathomed.
Hell I don’t think anybody can predict the outcome other than chaos and breakdown.
The stunningly stupid idea that government just gets in the way of progress just ignores the true (IMHO) purpose of government regulation, which protects average folks from rich/powerful folks, or corporations from robbing us blind.
So here’s an uneducated opinion about what’s coming down the pike.
My rudimentary understanding of economics tells me that the health of a particular economy requires constant growth. All indicators I see reference that. Nobody talks about the status quo. And all growth requires investment.
Much of that investment is paid for from debt. People lending money wanna know they’re gonna get paid back.
And IMHO that’s where government agencies come in. There’s certifications and approvals and who knows what else involved making lenders get a warm and fuzzy feeling about risk assessments. And all that’s going fuckity bye.
And now let’s talk about the fact that everything has to be insured. I’m fairly certain insurance companies rely on little things like certifications, approvals and whatnot.
I’m kinda thinking all that shit going dark might just put the kibosh on a whole shitload of growth.
But as always that’s just my opinion and I’m just as full of shit as anybody else.
More than most some would say.
1860 into 1861-1865 x integer of 5-10
4“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” George Santayana
What Steve from Beaverton said.
Thanks, El Jefe, for keeping the beauty salon in business. It’s a unique bunch of commenters; it covers important subjects; and we’d all miss it terribly if it closed down.
5Re the media, see this op-ed written 2-1-25 (and already missing some coup action items) but it makes the point.
“[T]he American media would be more clear-eyed about the rise and return of Donald *rump if it was happening overseas in a foreign country, where we’re used to foreign correspondents writing with more incisive authority…”
This “foreign correspondent” scenario puts things in perspective, imagining how the mainstream press would cover overseas what’s happening to the U.S. now.
News report: “Musk’s Junta Establishes Him as Head of Government”
6Suckretary of state marco rube says el salvador will take immigrants from all nations including violent Americns held in US prisons.
China retaliates against drumpf tariffs, but admit their own corporations will pay the tax, something drumpfuck the dumbfuck doesn’t understand.
7drumpf is going after PBS and NPR, 2 outfits magats have hated forever. This time they are not going after government subsidies which are a tiny fraction of the budget, they are going after the underwriters who provide the bulk of the money to keep both on air. There ain’t nothing magats won’t do to get fascism in America.
8This week, the white house kicked NPR, NBC/msnbc and CNN out of attending press conferences going forward. Replaced them with RW nut press and podcaster puppets.
TrumpF named musk a special white house boy yesterday. Make that a very special super-white houseboy, to carry out all his orders. Or maybe it’s the reverse.
racist scumbags drump’f and elongated skum’s true colors are showing.
drumpf is drawing up an EO to abolish the Dept of Education and Tulsi Gabber is headed for coinfirmation vote as head of lack of intelligence office.
Eggs at a local Fiesta Foods store were $15 for an 18 pack today. Thanks to drumpf lowering grocery prices upon being swore in.
10The TrumpMuskian NeoFascist Blitzkrieg continues apace. The entire governmental and economic systems of the USA are under a massive assault and continue to crumble.
Some Democrats are beginning to make some noise and take a few steps to attempt to halt the onslaught.
Meanwhile, they revealed one of the TrumpMuskian foreign policy initiatives today**: The literal ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the area of the former Palestine areas. This was voiced by Comrade Donnei and others just moments ago.
They’re using Hitler’s Nazi Playbook almost page for page.
** I have little regard for any of the inhabitants of that region (there are innocents there of course, but sacrifices for the greater good…).
They have been at each other’s throats almost forever, and always getting worse.
This ongoing conflict has the potential to set off a worldwide conflict at any point.
It has been the prime source of world turmoil and conflicts for my entire long life (as a toddler I remember hearing of it on the radio, early ’50s).
The world’s best solution to this extremely problematic region would be to set the ‘so called Holyland’ as Ground Zero for a massive nuclear missile barrage, and remove all of it, for a 100-300 mile radius, from the face of the Earth ASAP.
12“This was voiced by Comrade Donnei and others just moments ago.”
Should have been:
This was voiced by Comrade Donnei and Netanyahu side by side, and others, just moments ago.
Daily Kos article about the I/P situation:
14I just saw this at Democratic There’s huge protest rally in DC at the Treasury Building. Here’s the link:
15What you get when 2 narcissistic criminals that got away with their crimes get together, nutandyahoo and the orange moron- a WTF moment-
Steve @16, The Rawstory link(s) that you frequently use are unaccessible for those of us who use effective adblockers, without signing up for their paid subscription.
17Please either quote the significant bits of it in your posts, or provide some freely accessible links.
It gets even worse. The TrumpMuskian cabal wants to send US troops into Gaza (and probably the West Bank), basically on behalf of Israel, ‘rebuild it’s, and make another Riviera out of the mutherfucking goddamned place.
These people are going to get us all into WWIII!
“We’ll do what is necessary,” Trump said about the possibility of deploying troops to fill any security vacuum. “If it’s necessary, we’ll do that.”
The comments came after Trump said he wants the United States to take ownership of the Gaza Strip and redevelop it after Palestinians are resettled elsewhere.
“We will own it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site,” Trump said a start of a joint news conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Trump added that the United States would level destroyed buildings and “create an economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area.”
The comments came after Trump earlier suggested that displaced Palestinians in Gaza be “permanently” resettled outside the war-torn territory.”
18Sorry. I don’t pay for Raw Story so not sure what you want.
19In summary, trumpF wants to take over Gaza, remove all the bad guys, flatten and clean up all damage, create a huge number of jobs for people living there, make it into the Riviera of the middle east. He didn’t mention making a golf course there. Other than that, not much. Hope musk approves of the price tag.
OK, Sandridge, you beat me to my synopsis. Did I miss anything?
20Steve @19 & 20, You must not be using an effective adblocker and anti-tracker, etc protection suite. Try Comodo, it’s about the best one available.
You stated that they wanted “to remove the bad guys “.
In fact, they said that they would remove ALL the existing Palestinians (about 2 million) from the area, leaving it vacant. This is outright “Ethnic Cleansing” on a massive scale.
Then rebuild it under some ‘master plan’ to Riviera status. Using ‘some’ unknown workforce that would not be Palestinian or Arab for sure. Then somebody would profit from the huge tourist revenue.
I can’t concieve of who in their right mind would go to that part of the world for ANY reason whatsoever.
Let’s just nuke ’em all and be done with it. Major world problem permanently solved.
21I have read that the Muskrat is esp. annoyed at USAID because they funded efforts to help stop apartheid in South Africa. May not be true, but sounds in character.
Speaking of the Muskrat, you improve processes by first understanding how they work (or don’t) — not by running around copying data. Now let’s see how long it takes for all that confidential and classified info he scraped off to appear in his company’s servers (shades of Hillary!). Of course loyal GQPers will see Nothing At All Wrong with any of this.
22In trumpF’s mind, bad guys are Palestinians plus he was meeting with nutandyahoo. None of this is a bit surprising. He just says shit that oozes into his brain and his handlers help him with magat talking points. It’s all just for show.
23As far as ad blockers, I just delete, delete, delete and my iPhone clears trackers when I clean it out regularly. I probably could do more but frankly I don’t worry about it.
In the future I’ll try to remember to warn readers not to open Raw Story if they have a problem with it. Seems they’re usually quicker to report this shit. Thanks for your feedback.
Remember the old refrain that starts out “First they came for the . . . and then they came for me.” This is what will happen to various members of the Senate and House. That will leave only the tepid Maga-ites to loll about Capitol Hill.
24Yes, I am wondering about when Elon/Donald hit the Pentagon.
Netanfuckface and Mitch McCturtlefuckface. Two alleged leaders who have brought disgrace to their respective countries.
drumpf says US will clean up unexploded bombs? Those are our bombs sent to netanfuckface. drumpf admits they don’t work?
25Bit of good and interesting news from DC court….
Black church vandalized by racist PBs lose their trdemark name to the church.
26I have a question. Even though tRump is immune, I would think that it didn’t extend to his minions carrying out his unlawful acts. Also if not charged federally but by the States, then they can’t be pardoned right? I am not a lawyer and have never played one on TV but It was a thought that came to me. I do watch Law and Order so It brought to mind how they can’t get the Mob boss but go after the ones who do his bidding..
27drumpf would likely give them a pre emptive pardon and have the prosecutors executed for defying dick tater.
28Project 2025 in the first few paragraphs said get rid of 150,000 federal employees. The only person that should be surprised this is happening is poopy the puppet president who said, I don’t know anything about that, I don’t agree with a lot of it but I don’t know anything about that. HOW tf did he get elected?!! SMH