All New and Improved! Trumpcare!
Okay, so Trump is going to repeal Obamacare the day after he’s inaugurated. So, that means that the day after inauguration, 24 million people won’t have health insurance.
Of course, Trump can’t repeal Obamacare so his campaign promise is dumped in the lap of congress who, even though they tried to repeal it eleventy dozen times, has no clue what to replace it with.
Hell, they even met with Mike Pence about it and he didn’t have a clue either.
If you repeal it, you have to replace it with something. Republicans don’t have even a tablespoon of something.
After meeting with Vice President-elect Mike Pence on Tuesday to hash out plans to repeal Obamacare, top Senate Republicans are no closer to resolving an issue that’s splintering the GOP heading into the start of Donald Trump’s presidency: how long to give themselves to replace the law.
You’d think after four years of trying to burn down the barn, they’d at least have the field cleared for the new barn. But, no. They do not.
One suggestion that keeps popping up from their agenda is that they don’t replace Obamacare until after the 2018 mid term elections. That alone tells you how popular they know it is.
Other Republican argue that they have to do it right away because it’s zombie apocalypse, except worse.
This is gonna be fun to watch because they’ll fight with each other for a piece of the insurance pie and diddle squat will happen.