Alex Jones Update

May 04, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m pretty darn certain that most of you recall the name of Alex Jones’ attorney, Andino Reynal, a man who can strut sitting down, which is especially talented because he ain’t got a damn thing to be proud about.

Reynal is the guy who became a late night talk show joke when he accidentally released the contents of Jones’ cell phone a few days before the trial.  The parents’ lawyer was able to crush Jones on the witness stand because of that mistake.

Well, the judge in the case, Her Honor Maya Guerra Gamble, ruled earlier this week, that the lawyer hisownself has to pay almost $100,000 to the parents for his hijinks in the trial. This is a rarity, but it is well earned. Click here to see the original order.

And click here to see the full story.

Reynal says he will appeal and I have it on good word that, considering the stiff penalty the judge added for wasting everyone’s time in an appeal process, the parents are hoping he does.

Just off the record and between us girls, a new acquaintance of mine who worked with Reynal in the past said he has always been lazy and thinks he can get by on his good looks and expensive suits. Y’all, he has a mullet haircut. And he almost constantly has a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. You cannot be good looking if you look like you go home to the trailer park every night and wear a semi-clean wife beater shirt and scratch your hairy belly in front of decent folks. We have rules about these good-looking standards and that ain’t none of them. As far as the cigarette, bad accessorizing.


0 Comments to “Alex Jones Update”

  1. BarbinDC says:

    I saw this the other day and have been waiting for your take on it. Naturally, you didn’t disappoint.

  2. I can only hope that after his first appeal is denied and fined, he requests a Double Secret Appeal* from the judge.

    * with apologies to Animal House, and members of Delta Fraternity who look like Mensa Society group leaders compared with Reynal

  3. maggie says:

    Alex Jones definitely deserved the arrogant, stupid and even amoral defense attorney he paid for. Karma will get you, no matter where you are!

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    Ewww – how stinky was the courtroom when he was there. Also, how is Alex Jones still free to roam the earth?

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Loved the way Mark kept in the face of the obviously outclassed Reynal forcing him to squirm and probably do the only thing he knows in defense of Jones- give the middle finger. Glad he’s having to pay for it.

  6. The Surly Professor says:

    Decades ago when I was an academic tadpole (a teaching assistant in a large math department), the director of the TAs said he would defend any TA “to the limit of the truth”. And he made it clear that he would not exceed that bound for anyone.

    This seems to be a metric that law schools need to drill into their students: defend the client with all vigor, but only to the limit of the truth. Beyond that, even the best lawyer needs to let the client sink or swim on their own.

    On the other hand, maybe they already do so, but ideas like that don’t stick in mullet-heads.

  7. There was a young, very handsome and very slimy lawyer in the Angel (offshoot of Buffy if you don’t know) tv series at a really evil firm called Wolfram & Hart. When I see this guy’s picture, that’s the image I get.

  8. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Where would we be if good lawyers were willing to work for the likes of Jones and Trump? Tacopina could teach a course in Making Juries Hate You, and who could forget Giuliani leaking hair dye or Lin Wood getting sued by his own partners? Reynal could step right into that crew.

  9. eyesoars says:

    I’ve not looked at a great many sanctions rulings in the past, but I’ve never seen any judgment where appealing the ruling would cost the recipient extra penalties. IANAL, but I’m pretty surprised it’s allowed.

  10. UmptyDump says:

    Some more background on sanction action against Reynal. The Connecticut judge didn’t sanction him, but his actions were clearly sketchy.
